Chapter 126

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Chapter 126- A Dinner Party (Dave, Tony, Sky, And Danny)


So here's my understanding of the new daycare kids. Dart's a super sporty and energetic kid, Olive is basically Lizzy, and Riley is a Person always agreeing with everyone. Let's see where this goes.

Dave's P.O.V.

I slam the door behind me. I stomp down and flop onto my bed.


"DELIAH! I SWEAR ON YOUR EVER FLABBING GOBSTOPPER, IF YOU DON'T SHUT YOUR DING DANG DARN MOUTH, I'M GONNA SHUT IT MYSELF WITH A STAPLER!" I yell. After my outburst, I wait for mom's response to Deliah. She doesn't respond. Probably setting up for STUPID AS FRICK, POINTLESS, POORLY PLANNED dinner party she intends on hosting. The stupid thing is she wants me to invite Tony, Sky, And Danny. Stupid. I don't even want them to come. I don't need them to see my room. I don't need them to see the contraband I have. Especially Sky, she can be a real tattle tail sometimes. Not as much as Deliah, but you know, still a tattle. You know what. I should just not text them. Just tell my mom that they're busy. I can't do that. I have to begin the testing story portion of this chapter because it's my P.O.V. right now. Darn. I HAVE to text them. I HAVE TO! Whatever. I'll just get this over with. I take out my phone and open texting


Dave: Hey guys.

Toony Town: Hi Dave!

Sky Is Diving: Hey Dave!

CreeperAwMan: Hi Dave.

Dave: Danny, What the heck is that nickname?

CreeperAwMan: Sky made me do it okay!

Dave: Right, I forgot. You don't have a spine so of course you did it.

CreeperAwMan: Hey!

Dave: Anyways, let's cut the bullsh*t and let's get straight to the point.

Sky Is Diving: You should watch your profanity Dave.

Dave: You should watch your SHUT THE F**K UP.

Dave: Anyways, my mom's inviting you three to a dinner party. So I came here to invite you,

Dave: Please say no.

Toony Town: I'm down for a dinner party.

CreeperAwMan: I'm open, and I'm kinda hungry😅.

Sky Is Diving: I mean I can go. I'm not doing anything.

Dave: F**k I was hoping you guys were busy.

Dave: Welp, I know you guys are too stubborn and I won't be able to change your mind so there's no point in trying to convince you otherwise.

Dave: But I need to make this chapter longer, so let's do this.

Dave: I don't think you guys should come.

Toony Town: What? Why not?

CreeperAwMan: Yeah. Why not?

Dave: Because.

Dave: My mom plans to kill you guys.

Sky Is Diving: Dave, we all know your mom is being watched by the FBI after the incident, she wouldn't try to kill us even if we broke all her dishes.

Dave: Damn.

Dave: My mom is making rotten food.

Toony Town: Dave, your mom is a perfectionist, she would never EVER give anyone any food that is below great.

Dave: Frik

Dave: The pool is invested with dead bugs.

CreeperAwMan: Aren't we going to a dinner party? Does the pool really matter?

Dave: F**k, why am I suddenly so bad at lying!?

Dave: Um.

Dave: Do you guys hate drugs?

CreeperAwMan: Yeah.

Toony Town: Definitely.

Sky Is Diving: Yeah, I try to stay far away from those things.

CreeperAwMan: Me too!

Dave: Oh, thank goodness.

Dave: Well, in that case, you definitely do not want to go to my house.

Sky Is Diving: Dave.

Sky Is Diving: Are you saying you own drugs?

Dave: Yes!

Dave: I mean!

Dave: NO!

Dave: I mean!

Dave: F**K!

Toony: Yeah, Dave, just let us come to your party. Come on.

Dave: I don't want you here!

CreeperAwMan: Why not?

Dave: I don't want anyone to see my room!

Toony Town: Why not?

Dave: Because!

Sky Is Diving: Come on Dave. It's not like you have guns, knives, swords, drugs, forged signatures, throwing stars, stolen teacher's answer sheets, matches, explosives, explosives that are edible, poison, and tasers. Right?

Dave: .....

Dave: You know what, whatever. You guys just come to the party.

CreeperAwMan: Yay!

Sky Is Diving: Wait, Dave. Why aren't you answering my question?

Toony Town: Glad you've come to your senses Dave.

Dave: Yeah Yeah. Whatever.

Sky Is Diving: Dave, why aren't you answering the question!?

*Dave has left the chat*

Sky Is Diving: DAVE!?

Sky Is Diving: DAVE!?

Sky Is Diving: DAVE!!!


Great. Now my friends are coming. Might as well tell my mom, she'll be happy to hear that my friend are-

"HE WHAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!" My mom yells. I hear her start to stomp up the stairs. I fall backwards. That wasn't a f**king delayed reaction at all. I hear my mom walk towards my room. She breaks down the door.

"DANTE YOUR DEAD!" She yells. Sigh. Wrong series mom. My mom has her spoon. She raises it up to "stab" me.

"WAIT! MY FRIENDS ARE GOING TO THE DINNER THINGY!" I scream. My mom's face goes from angry to happy in a heartbeat. She drops the spoon and cups her hands.

"Oh goody, I'll go prepare the food!" She says as she hurries off. Thank goodness they said yes. I would have so been toast.

"MOM! DAVE'S HELPING HIS FRIEND STALK SOMEONE!" Deliah yells. Really Deliah! That happened 4 chapters ago!

"HE WHAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!" My mom yells. I hear her start to stomp back up the stairs.

You know. I remember a time where life was good. I remember when the author didn't have this stupid idea to have me be in pain and misery every chapter I appear in. I remember that when I was the ending P.O.V. of the chapter, that I would be perfectly fine. I remember that the only thing I had to do was be stuck on a bus and give rice to Angel. Those were the good ole days. What happened to those days. What happened to my happiness? What happened to my sanity? What happened to my life? Why is it that the only way to stop my misery is to say Oh mother fu-

Question Of The Day!

Okay, now get your ship that contains Angel in it (if you have one at all). Now. Why do you ship Angel with that person?

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