Chapter 92

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Chapter 92- Bell (Thomas And Ryan)


Ryan: Thomas.

Thomas With Two S's: Yes?

Ryan: You remember when you said in ten years time, me touching the bell makes it so that I suffer consequences.

Thomas With Two S's: AHA! You've gotten them haven't you!

Ryan: Yeah.

Thomas With Two S's: Hah! I was right. Now you'll regret touching my bell!

Thomas With Two S's: But I don't actually know what the consequences are, so what's happening to you.

Thomas With Two S's: Are you limbs falling off, are your arms you feet, do you have a rare disease that no one speaks about.

Ryan: Well, I've been having dreams.

Thomas With Two S's: That's it?

Thomas With Two S's: Your body isn't like crippling and slowly dying, your just having dreams?

Thomas With Two S's: That's lame, my grandmother can do more damage than that.

Ryan: It's not just any dreams. They're horrifying. It shows all my friends dead. I'm standing in some apartment room with people yelling. And I'm the only one who's alive. And there's an opposite me their, asking me to bond with him and makes these dreams reality.

Ryan: And they're so annoying!

Ryan: And the only logical conclusion I could get was that these are the effects of the bell, and I came here to ask how I can rid myself of them.

Thomas With Two S's: Well, I hate to tell you, but it's impossible to reverse the bell effects.

Thomas With Two S's: Once you disrespect the bell, your fate has been sealed.

Thomas With Two S's: I can't help you.

Thomas With Two S's: The only thing you can do, is do what the bell says.

Ryan: Ugh. I can already see what's gonna happen.

Ryan: What does the bell want me to do Thomas?

Thomas With Two S's: The bell says to...

Thomas With Two S's: ...

Thomas With Two S's: Put seven hotdogs in your mouth and swallow them all in one gulp.

Ryan: Really? The bell wants me to redeem myself by eating seven hotdogs without chewing?

Thomas With Two S's: Exactly.

Ryan: Why do I feel like this is fake?

Thomas With Two S's: You dare call the bell's calling fake!

Thomas With Two S's: Now you must suffer double the fate!

Ryan: What! No! Ugh!

Ryan: Let me guess, I have to eat fourteen hotdogs without chewing all at once, and then after I finish that, I have to eat a whole pizza within 3 minutes while also drinking a jumbo sized Fanta.

Thomas With Two S's: Oh heck yeah.

Ryan: Okay, I'll be right back.

Ryan: I'm so gonna regret this.

*one hour of main and misery later*


Ryan: Okay Thomas, I did what "the bell said."

Thomas With Two S's: Oh man, that's so good, did you record it!?

Ryan: No.

Thomas With Two S's: Ah. That's too bad.

Thomas With Two S's: You were supposed to record it for the bell.

Ryan: Thomas.

Thomas With Two S's: Yes?

Ryan: The bell didn't actually tell me to do any of that, did it?

Thomas With Two S's: Yeah no, I just wanted you to suffer.

Ryan: Thomas!

Thomas With Two S's: Hey Man, I know the consequences of the bell, your dreams aren't one of them.

Thomas With Two S's: Whatever your seeing, has nothing to do with the bell.

Ryan: Ugh! Great! I wasted my time.

Thomas With Two S's: Yep.

Ryan: I'm gonna talk to Unicorn, maybe he can actually help me!


Question Of The Day!

Which Minecraft Daycare character do you think we know the least about?

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