Chapter 93

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Chapter 93- Stealing (Sabre and Shark)

Shark's P.O.V.

Well poop. Now I'm in prison. All because I stole ONE cookie. And a few hearts. *wink* Now that I think of it, I'm probably not in here for stealing cookies. It's probably for legally selling hearts to people. No! It was the cookie. I legally stole hearts and then sold them, so it should, be fine. Yep. It was the cookie. Luckily, I legally snuck in my phone. Now, who to ask to break me out. Ryan? Nah, probably is busy gaming. Lizzy? Nope. Too busy studying most likely. Kat?.....wait...who's Kat? Whatever. Angel! No, she's pretty rude these days. Sabre! No-Hey! Sabre! We're Bros. I bet he'd love to break me out!


Shark: sabre! my man!

sabre: Hey Shark!

sabre: How are you?

Shark: i'm fine i'm fine.

Shark: now sabre, we're bros right?

sabre: Yeah.

Shark: and as a bro, can you do your bro a solid and break me out of jail.

sabre: Yeah sure.

sabre: Wait.

sabre: Your in jail!!!!

Shark: yeah.

Shark: i mean, are you really surprised?

Shark: all of us have been to prison at one point.

sabre: But Shark, it's been years since we've been in prison!

sabre: What's did you even do!?

Shark: stole a cookie from the cookie jar, now I'm in prison.

sabre: Dude, you stole a cookie from a cookie jar?

Shark: yep

sabre: Thats a federal offense! What were you thinking!

Shark: i was hungry!

sabre: So you committed a federal offense!

sabre: Shark, I don't know what to say or think.

sabre: Honestly, you deserve to be rotting in jail.

Shark: what!

Shark: dude! I thought we were bros!

sabre: We are bros, but this is cookie stealing we're talking about!

Shark: what about the bro code!

sabre: This is the one instant that the bro code can be betrayed.

Shark: what if I told you that I wasn't in here for cookie stealing?

sabre: What?

Shark: yeah, I'm actually here for taking and selling hearts.

Shark: like a normal person.

sabre: Really? That's why your in jail?

sabre: Oh, well then it's fine bro.

sabre: Sheesh, police are really getting harsh these days, they arrested you just because you were taking and selling hearts. Man.

sabre: Well dude, it's fine. How should we break you out?

Shark: you tell me, I don't have a clue.

sabre: Well, I could get a sleigh and some lemurs.

Shark: ????

Shark: a sleigh

Shark: and some lemurs?

Shark: ??????

sabre: I dunno, it was the first thing that popped into my mind.

Shark: what kind of thoughts do you brew up in your head for that to be the first thing that comes to mind?

sabre: I don't feel like saying that.

Shark: okay

Shark: how bout we be normal people and instead we simply blow up a wall.

Shark: and not ride a sleigh pulled by lemurs through a prison and probably get tazed immediately.

sabre: I mean, that's a good plan and all, but how do I legally get explosives, and LEGALLY explode a wall in prison and break you out.

Shark: get a permit

sabre: Do you really think that there's a guy out there that will sell me a permit to break you out of prison?

Shark: i guarantee it

sabre: Okay man, I trust you. You'll be out in no time!

Shark: that's the spirit! LET'S DO THIS!

sabre: Yeah!


*time skip*

"ALRIGHT MAGGOTS! WE HAVE SOME FRESH MEAT, AND I WANT YOU ALL TO WELCOME HIM INTO PRISON WITH GRACE!" The warden yells, "HE IS IN HERE FOR STUPIDLY TRYING TO BUY A PERMIT TO DO SOMETHING SUPER ILLEGAL, SO WHAT YOU WANT WITH THAT INFORMATION!" The prisoner walks out. I wonder who it is this time. The prisoner walks out. It's.....Sabre? Hey! Sabre! It's my ma- why is he glaring at me? As if I made him do something wrong that made him end up here. But I'm too smart to have him do that. What could it be? Uh oh. I think he figured out that I'm in here because of the cookie.

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