Chapter 185: Settling Matters

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Update and explanation of the situationist for Spectral Regalia's situation is posted on the convo in my profile. Again, sorry about everything everyone.
Wow, its been 18 months lol. first of all, I want to apologize to everyone life is complicated I can't say anything bad happened to me because it hasnt. when you bite off more then you can chew in this case spectral regalia in the sense of it being an expansive story then writer's block hits hard really really hard. I didn't intend to write a chapter but I pushed through

The adaption is going well I haven't had time to plan more pages but the script and dialogue are more or less finished i expected to have it finished last year tbh. all well.

I've been reading a lot several ideas appearing in my mind for this story and other stories but I have been afraid to write I think things needed to be taken slowly so I'm going to set some changes first.

1- No more particle progress/equipment/etc at the end of a chapter I don't know why I thought this was a good idea, I guess I was worried the reader would be overwhelmed? I have my own personal doc for it if I forget where it is.

2- Shorter chapters. 4k word was a bit too big for my liking I'm trying to balance between 1500-2k words.

3- No real release dates I'm not going to promise anything I would be lying if I said something like a schedule.

4- Expect a big difference in writing pattern, in this case,e avrins way of speaking might suddenly become much wiser/more mature.

5- No more volume in the titles, il worry about that if I ever decide to sell it I have never been good at arcs.

6- There is probably more and if there is il post it in the next chapter.

I can't please everyone so I'm going back to why I started spectral regalia, because I love to write I'm doing it at my own pace now. writing this and keeping the adaption in check will be hard but il try and see how I handle things.

Again I'm sorry for this Long Hiatus as I said I'm afraid of writing this story into the ground with the bad quality I obviously rushed many chapters and forgot many things so I need to ease back into it.

I'm currently writing another novel under a different pen name to practice a bit and test new ideas, you might ask what its called but il say it is not on RoyalRoad yet.

Usually, when doing this I'm quite nervous and shakey but right now I am quite calm. Anyway, enjoy the chapter.


"Dost thou not mean to ask what intention I bare against this wretched world?" Premera stretched out her left hand to the side. "I wish for the 'end.'" She declared as she clenched her hand, and at the same time, the surrounding grass suddenly wilted and withered away as though their life was corrupted and taken by the presence of a demon.

"Child of cursed blood, it is time for both you and your covenant to choose which path to follow......" A blue eye glimmering in an amber tint appeared from beneath the hood as she stared intently at the taller woman.

".....The body next to you is a fellow witch enslaved by one of our enemies. I destroyed the collar and will entrust her to you since we will inevitably meet again." With that said, Premera then waved her hand.

A female understands this as her cue to leave, but when she looked to her side, she was still surprised to see the body of a young girl with flowing black hair reminiscent of the night. Despite her dishevelled appearance with torn up clothes and pale complexion, nearly flawless skin and powerful impression remained.

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