Ch 36: The Dual

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Avrin clearly looked quite unique, there would be many men who would be jealous of how he looked. He currently gazed around the dining room that had gotten quiet and tilted his head. "Is...something wrong?" He looked at himself wondering if there was something on him but he clearly knew it was because of his appearance. He just played a long due to finding the moment funny.

Shimaru cleared his throat before letting out a chuckle and speaking "Ho ho ho! Avrin, I didn't know it was you! I thought for a moment an angel had decided to turn up for dinner. My oh my, I never knew your appearance would look so unusual.

I have seen many demons but you are the first to have that angelic appearance..Hmm, no, it is more unique than that" While Shimaru was examining him, Avrin was showed to his seat by a blushing maid that had stuttered with her words while leading him to it.

Ayame's face had turned a shy pink as she looked at Avrin. Clearly his appearance alone was enough to cause her to forget her anger towards the male for a moment, but Amias had noticed this and grinned as he lightly bumped Ayame and whispered.

"Hehe, hey sis, does this mean Avrin is going to be my older bro??" He let out a wide grin while gazing at her. Ayame snapped back into reality as her face turned a deeper shade of red while a vein appeared on her forehead, glaring at Amias as she was about to hit him. Izanami spoke out towards Avrin.

"Oh sir Avrin my you are so handsome. I can't remember in my life that I have ever seen such an interesting looking individual. Grandfather is correct, you are unique." She spoke in a seductive tone while trying to undress Avrin with her eyes and scooting a bit closer to him.

This made Avrin blink a few times before he gave an uncomfortable look in front of this tigress that clearly saw him as prey to eat. To his thanks, Calias spoke out.

"Izanami our guest is not someone for you to see as fodder for your loins.."

Her mother lightly chuckled and spoke "Oh Calias, she is still young. After all, our guest is indeed handsome." Her words made Calias shut his eyes for a moment before shaking his head slightly and sighing, then smiling towards Avrin and speaking, ignoring his daughter. Izanami's gazed towards the individual.

"Avrin was it? I am glad father has found someone he has deemed worthy of personally training.. The white dragon clan is often secretive and we do not like to show outsiders who we are, which is why we act normally when not tending to training or our rituals.

I do hope you will impress me as much as you have impressed my father. After all, considering he hasn't picked his own son who is considered a genius among the clan. I look forward to seeing what is better."

He gave a somewhat smug look towards Avrin to which Avrin replied with just a faint smile while gazing into his eyes. The man was indeed currently stronger than Avrin, but Avrin was not one to let individuals stronger then him think they mentally got to him.

"Calias you're still sad about that? Ho ho ho stop moping boy. Besides, Avrin has yet to accept my invitation to personally train him"

Avrin gazed towards Shimaru and spoke "Regarding that. I have decided to accept with the condition that no personal questions are asked...That is all I require."

Shimaru stood silent for a moment before gazing at Avrin, realising that such a condition may be told for good reason, he was curious to what Avrin himself was hiding, but did not let it get in the way. Calias on the other hand was eating silently, quite annoyed at his father's comments towards him at the end.

Shimaru spoke firmly with a smile "Avrin, I gladly accept on the condition that you do not complain about my training methods."

Avrin raised a brow. Wasn't this man the one that had asked him to begin with, with no conditions? He shook his head to himself slightly before nodding. After all, the harder the training, the better the results. Besides, he as a general had gone through quite a bit in his previous world. How hard could it be.

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