Ch 54: It's A Small World

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The women looked at Avrin and raised a brow. She was even more cautious than before since it didn't seem like he had gold. "What could you offer that's on the value of that much gold on you right now?" She spoke with quite a bit of intelligence. It seems she didn't stress that sentence.

Avrin couldn't help but give a soft laugh before reaching into his cloak and started to form a blue transparent diamond the size of pebble. The women saw a sort of glow in his hand and quickly backed away.

"A..Are you planning to attack me with magic!? I'll have you know I know a bit myself!" She raised her hands, but before she had casted her own magic avrin took his hand out revealing a large beautiful diamond. If a blue moon existed, this would be what it looked like with transparency.

The woman, whose eyes showed resistance and combat readiness, focused on the beautiful jewel and her jaw nearly dropped as she stood there speechless. "I take it we have a deal?" Avrin spoke. He knew this diamond was worth at least 500+ gold coins.

He didnt want to overdo it, and figured something of this size was good. Otherwise he would figure someone might rob this women, and he didn't feel like putting her in danger because he overdid it. Just another sign that his emotions had started to make him think better.

Then again, creating a diamond out of thin air wasn't always the best idea. "D..Deal..Deal deal deal!!" She took the diamond in a heartbeat, and Avrin had watched her curiously. "It doesn't seem like you plan to sell that?" She quickly shook her head and smiled. "It's beautiful. I'll keep this forever. Where did you get this from?"

Avrin could see she indeed loved it. As if a lover had given her a wedding ring. It made him a little iffy. He spoke as if to calm her down. "I found it in a dungeon" He smiled softly even though she could barely see his face.

"Oh, an adventurer?" a mischievous grin appears on her face. "I have seen many diamonds before, but never have I dreamt of owning one. I will add in something special considering you have given me something I dared not dream about"

The women disappeared into the back and returned just as quickly. In her hand, a thick book that seemed to have aged fairly well with time. It had a black fur covering it and the pages from here seemed to have aged to.

But in her hand was a smaller book, only ¼ the size of the main book, which Avrin suspected was the one he wanted to buy. As she approached, she gave him both. "One introduction to magic darkness affinity" She handed it to him, only slightly showing some resistance, as if she was attached.

"Uhh.. And one special dark affinity spell book" She handed the small book to Avrin, which made a smile form on his lips. And he then spoke with a soft voice "Thank you. I'll definitely make good use out of these" He indeed intended to.

She glanced at him again, and eyed him up and down. "Now that I look at you, I don't really see many adventurers like you. You must be quite a high ranking one to have gotten that diamond"

Avrin spoke fairly quick to cover his tracks "You could say something like that" He didn't intend to spend much time here, but as he turned around he remembered something and let his words out. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about a port city near here do you?"

The women, eyeing her new jewel, blinked then smiled as she went over to a wall that had a map and pointed to a small village like dot. "You're currently here in Wayfarer. If you head north you should find the port city of Rodes. 2 days on foot or 1 on horseback"

Avrin smiled and thanked the women again before making his way out. She waved goodbye to him before tending to the jewel and her store. "I didn't think it would be so close. Then again, there are quite a few hills and small mountains blocking the view. I guess the ocean is beyond that"

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