Chapter 131: Strength is True Law

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!!!!! Pr Credits To Draconis Von BloodTrap &  Dragonofsomesort  Who Constantly Help With SR chapters, Please take the time to rep them for their work :)

This Chapter is sponsored by Tobias Klauke, Sylvester272. Thank you for supporting Spectral Regalia!

Enjoy!, tomorrow i plan to write chapter 132's raw and hopefully get it out asap after it is pred for a regular release, that being said i hope you all enjoy this chapter, the queue is now cleared, for those of you who want to know where it is scroll down after readng the synopsis and you can see it there, i update it as soon as i can after receiving a donation, that being said i still owe you all a regular release!

P.S) I cant help bring up how weird this feels to know that i have thousands of readers, i know compared to many great web stories out there this is nothing, but it truly is something meaningful for me.

I was quite a bade writer and its thanks to all of you that i have improved greatly, i learn likes and dislikes from all the comments and pms i receive as well as how to write scenes that appeal to you guys, again thank you for making this a reality for me, that being said i often see a few nasty reviews and such for new authors, i only humbly go easy on those folks and nurture them like you did for me i believe everyone deserves a chance at this and people take large risks putting something that they may think is embarrassing out there, writing starts off easy but as you progress it becomes really daunting when you know you have many readers to please.

Avrin glanced eagerly at the chunk of Skymetal, but he had long since learned his lesson about greed. He acted calmly and simply ignored it for a moment before emitting Nebula Mist. The sight of the mist caused the four gods to tense up and look at him strangely, but the mist moved to Azrael's corpse, engulfing him.

The mist converted him into a Dark Core. Of course, Avrin had no intention of devouring it. In fact, a piece of information he had discovered was that Dark Cores could be reverted back to their original makeup, though with his current strength, only a corpse with no life would be returned. In this case, Azrael was dead, but Avrin felt some sympathy and would return him to his daughter, who he knew was alive.

"What a strange ability." Septim curiously spoke. Tialoc glanced cautiously at Avrin. "An Enigma user?" Zephiron, who took a deep breath, simply shook his head as he walked away from Avrin while keeping his guard up. "No. He's something else." Zephiron felt fear of Avrin, as he would have died. But this fear also contained anger towards this pest that brandished his weapon on him.

As they watched the Dark Core made of Azrael move to Avrin's hand, they listened as they heard Avrin speak. "Skymetal... You know I have interest in Skymetal. You've been watching me for longer than I thought." Avrin softly smirked before putting the core away.

Septim glanced over at Tialoc and Mallaku, and both of them vanished in mist-like blurs. "Skymetal? Oh, you know how to smelt it but not of its name? Do well to remember this name. In the five universes we refer to this as God Essence."

Avrin's brows furrowed a little. "God Essence?" He then remembered the scene that God had showed him when two gods' essences collided and fused during the creation of this universe.

"Well, follow me. I'm sure you're curious as to why I brought you here." Septim glanced at Zephiron who had a berserk-like look in his eyes from Avrin's previous actions. Clearly Septim's gaze told him if you try anything to ruin this for me the consequences will be dire for you.

Zephiron grunted before he also became a mist-like blur and vanished. Avrin, although cautious, knew that if Septim understood what he can do then he would not dispose of him. Not yet, that is. So he followed Septim across the palace.

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