NAC: Time to Tidy Up

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Just a heads up this isnt a chapter so if you see the tag NAC it meana "not a chapter"

Now then because i have holidays and have been finding time to write i figured  i would take some time to tidy up spectral regalias inconsistencies and answer a few questions.

I need the help of my dear readers. Spectral regalia is a large story i am not the most talented author nor the best with memory so i need people who have noticed mistakes/plot holes in the story to please let me know aswell as tell me the chapter numbers so i can go back and polish the story.

I truly love this story even more so you guys for making it feel better that being said its my duty to make sure its kept up to scratch. I can proudly say that even if it takes 10-20 years i will make sure this story is polished and complete without any errors, that is how much i love it.

Feel free to use this thread to post chapter numbers with inconsistent parts of the story and things that may seem wrong. I have a few pms from a few dedicated readers, but they are also only a few people.

So please help me make this story better by telling me which parts need fixing. Please know that i would also like grammatical errors to be listed aswell.

I am also looking for a few people to go over spectral regalia raws the moment they are finished so that as many mistakes that are found can be removed without them adding up to much in the future.

Some good news to. The next post will be a double release!.

Thank you!

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