V6 Chapter 158: Spectral Domain

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!!!!! Pr Credits To Draconis Von BloodTrap &  Peter1765
Who Help With SR chapters, Please take the time to rep them for their work :)

This is today's regular release. And that makes 3 chapters :) queue is also cleared, and got today's release out. I'l stick around a bit to answer some questions, as well as pay attention to mistakes i might have missed. other then that, next release will be next Wednesday.

Stabilising peeled space within one's body required a massive amount of energy. Avrin realised he had been somewhat under prepared and this made him slightly nervous. Then again, it also meant he could share this experience with his people. The space was spread out across his entire body; now what he needed to do was to ensure that it had a place to slowly feed while permanently rupturing it so that it wouldn't seal shut.

He began to will this peeled space to condense while making the particles remain still. If one could see this scene it would be like having billions of motionless spikes within a distorted ocean; where the ocean was a vortex moving to a single point crashing against these spikes.

Avrin could feel several of his particles begin to rupture and crack, this meant he would need to use even more dark matter to repair them. But right now he couldn't afford to lose focus. The single point where he was absorbing this peeled space was right inside the abyssal maw of his dark space.

As his body was very unstable; what kept him together was the coating on his physical body as well as his particles. His mind was also somewhat affected, leaving him feeling nauseous and dazed, but he pressed on.

Twenty, forty, seventy, ninety percent. When the last bit of coated distortion of space was slurped up into Avrin's body a change occurred within his dark space. Meanwhile, a change was also taking place in the nearly parched ocean of dark matter that he had used to feed his ascension. A glob of distortion began to shine a Gray light over that dark ocean. It looked like a star that swayed like a mirage. If one looked closer they could see this Gray light's main body was dark and had a ghostly, spectral look about it. The star began to tremble violently as if it was not powerful enough to sustain itself.

Avrin, at this stage, was more than capable of seeing within his dark space. He willed that ocean to form a vortex, and then several large streams of dark matter shot upwards towards that star, engulfing it in a metallic coat of dark matter that began to beat like a heart. For every time this coating began to beat, cracks would form that were quickly healed.

The main danger was now out of the way, but not gone. Right now he needed to absorb mana. His current remaining reserves of power were down to 19%. He had more power than those at the Night Deity level in the peak section and didn't doubt that he could rival Septim.

This creation wasn't one that boosted his strength, it was as if he gave himself another unique ability, a sort of evolution. His particles held 10% of his remaining strength while the remaining 9% was within his dark space to feed the blob that appeared to be a star of distortion. He began to reorganise his body and stabilise it, which used up 2% of that remaining 10%. From there, the coating outside his body cracked and liquefied before it was reabsorbed by Avrin. His mask had dropped off his face and he looked withered like an old man, no longer retaining that handsome look. He felt pain all over his body that seemed bone deep, almost as if something was gnawing at him.

"This isn't good... I underestimated the power needed... if this goes on...." he clenched his teeth. He had a decision to make.

"Limos..." he softly called out. His eyes, which didn't seem affected by the ageing, shined slightly, and suddenly Limos appeared, pulsing with strength. Avrin looked at it carefully and sent his weakened Divine Sense out. In his current state, one-thousand miles was the maximum he could get. He noted all the masses of Lucent crystals, ignoring the small ones, but he seemed to have struck gold as he noticed several that looked as if they weighed a few tons.

Spectral RegaliaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora