V6 Chapter 153: Six Months

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!!!!! Pr Credits To Draconis Von BloodTrap &  [Peter1765
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I would say it would be awesome to get 154 out today but i don't think it will be done :3 that being said some good news, i have the rest of the week off work so i can hopefully rest up and get back to writing a few more chapters.


Since that day a full six months had passed. Things had gotten increasingly busy for Avrin so much so that he had formed a deal with Calomia. Calomia, at first, was quite reluctant to accept too much from Avrin. Because he was staying at her home him giving her some gifts and food could be considered as payment and she refused to simply rely on him, especially with Ilisia as she wanted to teach her a walk of life.

Avrin asked for her and Ilisia to help take orders and payment and describe what he was selling. In return, he would give payment to her and Ilisia. He also said this would teach Ilisia responsibility as he didn't want to simply gift her. In this regard, he agreed with Calomia that spoiling her too much would be bad.

The first day they had helped Avrin they were simply watching him handle things. Ilisia was extremely excited, she had never before been in a strange building like this, her body was constantly trembling as she was full of energy. Had it not been for Calomia she would have most likely run around the entire building exploring.

Calomia was a bit more wary of the situation. She had a few secrets in regards to her past and knew what a Sigil weapon was, but when she saw the Sigil weapons Avrin was creating she couldn't help but be surprised. This raised his position in her mind to a different level.

While Avrin had been receiving customer's requests and payments he had to cycle between showing every new customer his Sigil weapons and what they could do. Explaining this took time that he wanted to use to make Sigil weapons. After all, despite his ability it still required some time, especially when within six months you have anywhere from a dozen to a hundred people interested in products.

The adventurers that had come the first time were newly registered and didn't have much to spend. Avrin felt a little pity for them and decided to use the situation for his and their advantage in a fair trade. He gave every member of that group two Sigil weapons each, he only asked that if they had a chance to promote him to do so and if they ever decided to sell or give away the second Sigil weapon to tell whoever it was of Avrin's shop.

They were all over the moon after Avrin recommended this, even more so when he showcased the product and showed how durable and strong it was. Since then, with the help of the promotional parchment he had selectively given to adventurer and mercenary groups, things had gotten quite busy.

Though not all of it was positive. If Avrin was to calculate things carefully, around thirty out of one hundred of the promotional posters were taken seriously and about fifteen of that thirty were of people who made purchases, but one may think he was being negligent in regards to it. Though to him, it was no real matter because things were still on track. In fact, he was somewhat worried that he wouldn't be able to keep his promise of speed to people because of how popular he had become.

Calomia and Ilisia had started helping Avrin on the second month. Calomia was tasked to act as the receptionist and to help with showcasing products, and Ilisia was given an easier task because she was still young. All she needed to do was take the enchanted sack Avrin had given her with each customer's payment and order prepared inside, and then after it was done she would come back and give the small chest Avrin formed along with the order to Calomia who finalised everything.

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