Ch 32: Conversation & Secrets

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Avrin began walking down the path after having helped the man and the child. He had been thinking to himself prior to the old man telling him to stop. Avrin had managed to injure what could be said as human beings, half the reason for helping the two could be said as a further test for himself to see if he could injure people to a painful like degree. After what he did to the book keeper he wanted to try it again to see if he would get any emotional response. It seems he didn't. He wasn't sure if he simply was devoid of good feelings, not only was his body never urging for sexual interaction but it seemed in his mind he either lacked or did not have many base emotions.

Although Avrin's mindset was that of a human, which could be said as the most emotional creatures, this body was truly impressive and terrifying for it to somehow tamper with Avrin's emotions. Could it be this body or is it truly the work of God. Avrin, of course, did not want to completely lack emotion, although he had bad memories regarding emotion's such as sadness and anger he knew it also helped him become stronger such as motivation and happiness.

Afterall, who would want to live their life as a robot made of flesh and bone with no emotional attachments. He would definitely have to socialise more even if he found it somewhat annoying. It was for the purpose of his advancement to Godhood.

Avrin blinked as he snapped out of his pondering trance at the sound of a voice that did not belong to the child. As he turned he noticed the old man was 2 meters behind him. Avrin kept quiet as he wondered what he wanted. Could it be a reward? He thought curiously to himself until the man then spoke.

"Traveller you are indeed strong...I can see you have quite a rich vein of untapped power..." The old man snickered to himself but not in a way that was creepy so to speak, but more so interesting. Avrin replied "You seem to have a keen sense. That or you talk good as to achieve something" Avrin spoke which would somewhat translate to you either have a good eye or you are sucking up to me sort of manner. The man then chuckled quietly before nodding to Avrin even as the child hid behind him while gazing at Avrin with awe. "Dear traveller, would it be of much trouble for you to escort me and my grandson to our home in the western region? It seems like the direction you are heading." "Indeed it is" Avrin spoke right after the old man finished then continued to speak. "I suppose it wouldn't be impossible for me to do so. Well then, very well. Do you have supplies with you?" The man nodded and pointed to a tree which had a bag laying underneath that seemed very well made from what seemed like expensive materials. It had a blue covering as well as what seemed like an orange furred lining and a black base.

Avrin figured that if they carried something that looked expensive its no wonder the bandits would want to rob them even more so. as the child went over to retrieve the supplies the man smiled at avrin as he walked a half meter behind him "what is your name adventurer?" it seemed like traveller was now adventurer. possibly a meaningless change as they both were the same thing so to speak.

"Avrin." He spoke as the boy returned and the three of them began to travel down the western pass. It was still quite early in the morning, the thought came across his mind as to where these two are from. "Avrin, quite a unique name. I am Shimaru and this here is my grandson" The child then spoke out with a burst of energy "My name is Amias, heir to the Whi-.." Before he finished the grandfather had given him a light hit on the hit not as to hurt the child but as to tell him to stop talking.

"I do apologise, my grandson can be quite chatty ho ho ho!" He gave a deep somewhat forced laugh as the grandson rubbed his head quietly pouting. Avrin figured the boy was indeed important. It didn't take a genius to hear the words heir and not come to a conclusion of importance.

"Sir Avrin, where are you headed? Where are you from?" Shimaru asked Avrin curiously "I intend to enter the western mountain range to train for a while. As for where I am from." Avrin tapped into his current knowledge and spoke as he came with an idea "The western continent" Shimaru let out a oooh sort of sound before smiling "Ahh that explains it, you're a demon. No wonder you are so powerful. Indeed your race is quite interesting"

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