Ch 46: Agreement

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But just like me you're going to have to learn the hard way" Avrin spoke in a normal tone towards the creature. The creature growled towards Avrin as it stumbled slightly, a sort of crack visible under its chin. As if it were a shell.

Avrin, who prepared himself in a defensive stance, extended his left hand forward and his right hand back as well as his left foot forward and right foot back. Making sure his feet were firmly planted on the ground.

The Nemean rushed towards him again, unleashing a barrage of ferocious slashes that seemed to send dark energy waves every time it slashed. This made dodging a hassle for Avrin. If he were to get hit by one it would definitely hurt, especially since he wasn't utilising any dark matter abilities.

But he used this as practice. He had not gotten to spar with anyone other than Shimaru during the duration of his training and this made things easier. Shimaru was significantly faster than the Leophat.

But Avrin didn't let up. First the creature unleashed a right slash with each claw emitting a dark matter wave capable of skinning the ground itself to a degree and plowing into a tree. Then came a tail swipe which sent another dark matter wave which Avrin had to jump to avoid.

"You're just a bundle of ferocity... Quite scary.." Avrin, who kept his composure in the fight, has the mindset determined to how well he could focus and continue to avoid. As the creature slashed upwards with its left hand, while avrin was still in the air, 5 more dark matter waves pulsed towards him.

"Urk..Not good." Avrin covered himself in an arm cross guard as 2 of the waves hit him, causing a slight explosion which resulted in a minor vacuum of air.
Avrin fell to the ground but regained his balance with one hand planted on the ground. His arm guards and gauntlets were torn up. His arm itself seemed slightly burned as steam emitted from it. The creature roared towards him as if telling him it was capable of defeating him.

Avrin seemed irritated. He hadn't made any moves to attack yet because he wanted to see how well he could focus on a strong opponent as well as see the creature's potential. The Leophat seeing Avrin was seemingly barely scratched rushed towards him at high speed, appearing above him with it's fists balled up as it smashed down towards his body.

Avrin, seeing this, didn't hesitate to quickly back flip away in the air. Narrowly missing the attack of the creature. As the Leophat's hands collided with the surface of the ground, the ground itself shook violently and rubble shot up as a 5x5 meter diameter, messy crater was formed.

Avrin landed back on his feet as he judged that the creature indeed had strength capable of hurting him. But he still wasn't going seriously. Otherwise he was certain he would defeat it.

"You got quite a strength improvement" Avrin let a smile escape his lips as he spoke again while gazing at the creature standing in the rubble that came back down like rain. "I've decided I'm going to keep you. You're going to come in handy as an ally"

The creature roared again, seemingly not out of breathe. Its crack like wound on its chin had also seemingly healed which impressed Avrin. The creature rushed towards Avrin on all fours, emitting a trail of dark energy that seemed to give a ghostly sound.

"Play times over..." Avrin spoke firmly as he held his right hand out and extended his fingers to their maximum length and also gave space between them as if like claws.

As the Leophat got within a meter, it felt a shiver run down its spine as it looked at Avrin who seemed to be emitting a powerful killing intent. Before the creature could dodge, it was too late. Avrin had dashed forward and plowed his palm as well as finger tips into the abdomen of the Leophat.

The force transferred through its body. As if time had stood still, a burst of air emitting from its back, shooting a couple of meters before going silent. The Leophat was sent shooting like a star towards the tree line, hitting against tree trunk after tree trunk until it had toppled 3 before collapsing onto the ground.

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