V6 Chapter 165: Twisted Memories

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!!!!! Pr Credits To Draconis Von BloodTrap & Peter1765
Who Help With SR chapters, Please take the time to rep them for their work :)

Not feeling well today i feel really exhausted lately which is a shame since i didnt get to properly enjoy spring. The Qeue is not in my distance for now but thankfully its not a distance that grows. i may take next week off depending on how i feel. im also working on having some armor sketches down for avrin later on down the track ofcourse i cant share these with you guys just yet as they would be spoilers.

If any errors, Etc are found please let me know in the comments i couldnt give this the proper attention that it needed but its releaseable. Enjoy!

Avrin had wanted to visit the southern continent to see Shimaru and help out, but not only did Syrana not want to see him again, there were questions with answers that would only paint him in a bad light. However, the blame was not his only to bear, rather his emotion tampering dark heart was also to blame. Taking time to ponder on its mystery and why it connected to emotions. Avrin understood that emotions were powerful; His first thought before he understood anything was that his dark matter heart wanted to make him more ruthless and cut off so he wouldn't show any attachment to things that would slow him down.

But now he understood somewhat that certain emotions at peak could be utilized to create a special sort of matter. Of course, that was all he understood from it and even then it was information given to him by God.

Avrin was feeling a little unsettled. It had been a day since he handed the Spectrals behind this entire mess over to the southern continent. He personally witnessed their execution with his Divine Sense. It gave him a sort of stinging pain to witness one of his own kin perish, but he knew deep inside a lot of issues had been caused by them.

Erebus himself had taken responsibility in making sure a small outpost was established on the outskirts of the southern continent. There, Spectrals were tasked with assisting in the creation of supplies as well as methods to make life easier for those that chose not to convert.

Avrin wanted to pay a visit to Lilia but her father's death left a bitter taste in his mouth. From what he could tell, she seemed more open and friendly, but he had a feeling she had many questions for him. Everyone would have many questions for him. He was unsure about it all, but in truth, he was a little afraid to face it, afraid he wouldn't have answers that they would accept or any answers at all.

The Spectrals that had forced mortals into slavery to use for themselves were handled by Ailirion. Avrin wanted to see or ask about the situation but he knew that those Spectrals no longer were among the living. Ailirion was very trustworthy and followed his orders down to a "T". If Ailirion made a dire mistake, a simple lecture from Avrin would make sure he did his best not to repeat it.

"The Eternal City? What a preposterous name," said Ailirion, who was casually walking down a very meticulously made street. Beside him was Kael who had come escort him and explain everything. Ailirion had his clawed hands neatly behind his back as he gave an expressionless look, glancing from the corner of his eyes towards the many Spectrals that looked at him and Kael. They all knew who Kael was and were excited, making sure that their duties were tended to with more effort. They also had come to know Ailirion. Erebus had given an announcement that he and Tardiff were both purebloods sent by Avrin to handle certain affairs.

Though Ailirion's reputation was already somewhat grim in a sense. Rumors had gone around that he had stormed into many high ranking Spectrals' estates and captured them with ease before taking them away. It was later stated that they had been abusing their power by bullying the weak and taking advantage of the less fortunate mortals.

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