Chapter 136: Only Gods are Left

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!!!!! Pr Credits To Draconis Von BloodTrap &  Dragonofsomesort  Who Constantly Help With SR chapters, Please take the time to rep them for their work :)

Hello! i figured id spoil my readers a bit tonight. I'v decided to release 136 as  special chapter on its own. Meaning 137 will be a regular release this week.
Spoiler (Alf: I wish Wattpad would have a "hide and show" thing for spoilers.):
"--Little did everyone know, the real reason for this release was Zephon  is afraid because of the cliffhanger. For this chapter was enough to prepare pitchforks. Who would truly wait a week more for a new chapter.--"
Please know i do not mind people sharing my story at all on different websites, or even using the artwork for their own OC story. It's when someone profits off of someones else's hard work where an issue arises. Very Happy
Alf: do you people want me to edit Zephon's intro thingy and fix the grammar mistakes or just leave it how it originally is? (If no one says anything I'll leave it)

Avrin, after spending a day recovering his strength, noticed that millions of people had accepted his offer and were slumbering. He couldn't control the situation they were in and could only rely on others to look after them. At this current stage, he had bigger problems. It was time for him to speed things up and engage in the second phase of his plan. This was also the perfect opportunity for him to do so.

With a thought, he reclaimed both Sarcanus and Limos, which returned to storing themselves within him. "--Kael, Erebus, in a few moments I'm going to be converting everything into a single dark core. In a couple of days, a creature will be arriving from space and I won't be its match. I have a way to avoid it and keep as many people as I can safe and this planet intact, but to do so I need you to make sure no one resists this conversion, or they will die--"

Avrin didn't sugarcoat his words. Erebus and Kael, who had received this message, felt their hearts clench. They weren't sure what to think of what Avrin said, but in the end he was the one that gave them a new life and way to live. They didn't dare disobey. "--Lord Monarch, I will alert our kin in the north--" Erebus replied with no more than a second of hesitation. "--Master, I'm not sure if people here will all listen. I can only hope that they do. What about the ones in the process of being converted?--"

As Kael spoke, he looked around, seeing the slumbering bodies of those who had accepted Avrin's offer. There were some who didn't take it and had quickly left the scene, thinking it was an ill omen, and there were also others who took the time to loot, while some even had thoughts of killing people.

"You traitors!!!" A man in a light grey robe with a pendant around him roared out. He had several other people by his side and they all held strange symbols. These were the worshipers of the gods of Seleria. They were true fanatics. They all held knives, swords, and even butcher cleavers.

"Kill them all! Do not let any one of these heretics survive!!" The man in the center ordered. The robed fanatics charged forward and entered the street where those being converted were located, though before they could get far, a figure appeared from purple ash in front of them and gazed with a straight expression. This was Kael, who would not allow any harm to come to these people.

"You want to hurt my kind?" Kael spoke disdainfully. Though his appearance shocked the fanatics for a moment, the man leading them spoke. "Do not feel fear!! He is a demon sent to protect these treacherous heretics! Kill him and you will be rewarded by our gods!!" One could see each of these fanatics had crazed looks. Kael knew arguing with them would be pointless. He smirked before a look of bloodlust covered his face.

His hands tensed and he shot forward like a bullet. In but a few seconds, screams and shouts could be heard from that location, and moments later it had become dyed with blood as the fanatics had been slaughtered by Kael. He was not one to feel any mercy anymore towards those who want to do harm to his people or loved ones. He knew it would simply bring more pain if he left them be.

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