Ch 101: Advancing In Many Ways

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!!!!! Pr Credits To Draconis & Mytsy who not only both pred it but improved this ch's quality greatly please rep them ^^!!! also a big thank you to SR's donators who are supporting sr.

1 day early release, i felt many of you had questions lingering, and i was eager to give some answers in the form of this chapter, like or hate im not sure what response i will get, but it will be interesting, also someone said my writing is like a 14 year old all i have to say is thank you kind sir *thumbs up*

i hope you all enjoy this chapter, i really am trying to improve sr, this story has had tough times in the ranking but i try not to care to much about it, i have my reader base and that is all i need although you know how egos are you can never let go of something as hard as you try, could be worse after all im happy just being in the top 10# a shame though i feel my spot isn't earned a lot of the stories haven't been updated in months, i really hope those authors return, i would love to see RR grow.

just a quick writing tip, make sure you plan your story in a document and follow that plan, it helps to understand and plan the plot, i cant wait to delve into it and show you guys that sr itself has a web that links together.

also after the chapter i left a quick authors note, for those who are interested in my thoughts/purpose for kael, i feel he gets a bit to much hate, that being said not many people like chs that are showing the advancement of other charecters, to those readers you have to know that i wanted to bring a bit more depth to my story i dont want to show you some progress so expect the next chapter or two, to show progress,

reading one other comment comparing me to forgotten conquerer and to learn from it, yes i can say that story is far better then mine, but i am not its author meaning i write the way i want to otherwise it will kill my joy for writing i havent read much of FC i just cant get into it, not to say it isnt good, its #1 for a reason afterall. moving on il just give a bit of a spoiler for those who want to know what charecters im going to show progress chs on in the next couple of chs, il put it in spoilers for those who dont want it ruined.
Spoiler (Click to View)
that being said please leave your thoughts on this chapter, like or hate it?

ok enough talking, enjoy :3 F5 army waiting for the first comment post

P.S if i missed something in this initial post,  1 comment will do, il update the main post ASAP.

ok everything is go,

1-thank prs = check. 2-thank donors = check. 3-not posting the raw copy = tripple check.


Kael roared as half his face reformed to seem more draconian than usual, a line of glowing dark matter separating the side of his human face from his transformed face.

At this point, the bandits were nearly wetting themselves as they drew their weapons. "Who the hell? Some sort of demon!!" The bandit leader shouted with worry. "K-Kill him!!" He shouted.

The bandits, although reluctant, also had a strange feeling that if they didn't attack now it would be hopeless to fight later on. Four bandits charged towards Kael with intention to kill, trying their best to ignore the cold, dark aura.

"DIE!!" Kael shouted, vanishing with only a bit of dust kicking up from where he was. His figure passed the bandits, and within moments, their bodies seemed to have exploded or shattered. One with keen eyes could tell that Kael punched or slashed them.

He no longer cared whether they lived or died. This was the first time he killed humans, but it didn't phase Kael, as he was furious. He began to subconsciously think. "Why...Why am I surrounded by bad first dying...this is all my and their fault! Gods and there messed up world where they don't care if the weak are hunted!!"

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