Ch 88: Arranged Misfortune

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shooting up for a few moments, it all settled with Kael slowly making his way out of the pile of rubble, blood trickling down his lips and face and body wounded, his clothing ripped. He was clutching a wound on his side.

"-I'm lucky...he didn't use the sharp side, or I would have been cut in two. My advantage is he doesn't think I'm able to beat him and Master said only use my draconic form in dire moments. Is this a dire moment?-"

Kael pondered as he glanced at Avrin carefully. "-No... This is my first real fight with a person. If I use my trump card, it just means I've only been relying on my new strength and not techniques... Just like master did to those draconian, I need to use my head-"

Kael understood that his Spectral form could be trained and used against creatures of the Master level, but he had never considered them proper opponents, more as practice and training. Whereas, this was considered a proper fight. If he had resorted to it just like he had when he was fighting monsters, it would show he hadn't learned much.

Balam glanced at Kael, snickering a little. "Next I'm going to grind you into dust..." He proclaimed before rushing towards Kael, thinking it was over. "Know the difference between a demon master and a human worm!!"

Kael grinned before he raised his hands, emitting Nebula Mist that expanded rapidly. He jumped back and shot the mist that seemed to now glow with a black hue. "Flare Mist..." Balam was cautious as he approached but found the mist had already neared him.

"Your tricks won't work on me!" He slashed across the Nebula Mist, parting it and spreading it around himself. But within moments, the black hue condensed, as if it had fed from the Nebula Mist and turned into purple droplets of fire that dropped down all over.

Of course, the focused majority would have injured him if he had taken it head on. By using the wind generated from his attack that had spread the mist around, it made it so it was difficult to dodge. Several purple flame droplets touched Balam's robe, devouring it and burning through at the same time.

One of the droplets touched his face and had begun to burn and devour his cheek, which made him panic. He roared out as he emitted his mana, overwhelming the purple flame and dispersing it all.

"Underestimated that boy..." The female spoke. The dust that had kicked up from Balam's mana exploding out settled, revealing him carefully touching his scarred cheek. "Y...You....little...." Looking over at Kael, his eyes widened. Kael was holding two Void Spheres connected with a chain of Nebula Mist.

Balam eyed him carefully and slashed the axe horizontally, shooting an airwave towards Kael, who simply jumped up, expecting a counter attack. "Just a bit more..." Kael muttered to himself as he landed on the ground, his movements still hampered by the miasma that seemed nearly impossible to remove. Balam glared and began barraging Kael with these airwaves.

Kael was able to predict and dodge them all, which angered Balam further. Unable to contain his fury, he finally charged at Kael, which made Andras shake his head. "Balam, you fool!" Balam emitted dark mana into his axe head and shouted out.

"PERISH!!" He smashed downwards towards Kael, who had finally completed his attack. He raised the Nebula Mist chain to meet the axehead and roared out. "YOU FIRST!!!" The moment the mana engulfed axe head touched the Nebula Mist, the crystalline Void Spheres that held a large amount of dark matter acted.

The Nebula Mist acted as a sort of conduit, and the dark matter fired off like a spring loaded trap at high speeds from both sides. The dark matter smashed against the axe head, engulfing it in a near instant, causing it to shatter. Of course, Kael had another trick up his sleeve.

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