Chapter 137: Astaroth's Might

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!!!!! Pr Credits To Draconis Von BloodTrap &  Dragonofsomesort  Who Constantly Help With SR chapters, Please take the time to rep them for their work :)

Hello! im pretty exhausted so i l try and keep this note a bit short since i'm tired and have a report to do, i saw the results for the poll last chapter, and i heard some complaints about romance being missing from the options. Romance is practically guaranteed in Sr and i have a set time in the story when i will start it up so i didnt feel the need towards it right now, that being said i guess i can introduce a bit of romance for other future chars that dont have to be an avrin x someone relationship, i feel i can use that to make the story more exciting and give it more depth. all in all though i hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

P.s im to tired to fix my own note forgive me for that. il get to it later Sad


Avrin appeared calm, but he wasn't really sure what to do in this situation. He just remained still, not daring to move. This creature's breath itself could kill him.

"BAHAHAHA!!" Orphelium spiraled in excitement as its laugh caused space to twist and turn. It casually made its way towards Avrin. Of course, its speed was much faster than before. It was like a shooting star multiplied by millions. Avrin couldn't even see Orphelium clearly despite its figure being larger than a planet. Such a feeling was truly miserable.

"What in the hell is that thing!?" Tialoc yelled. He could clearly feel Orphelium's monstrous strength. "Curse my damned luck... This isn't good...." Septim looked miserable. It was as if he had won the lottery only to have it confirmed as a counterfeit ticket. He was reluctant to let things go, even if he knew with Orphelium present it certainly had business with Avrin.

"Septim...we shouldn't remain around here. I feel that creature is far stronger than even King Lestyn. We need to leave and not risk enraging it with our presence." Nefria was nervous and afraid. She didn't want to stay any longer.

"I.....well.... I'm sure they are on good terms... We just need to wait a little longer and see!" Septim called out. They all wanted to laugh miserably and curse at Septim for making them stay a second longer in Orphelium's presence.

In a few seconds, Orphelium's snake-like body encircled Avrin. Everything had become dark, the sun light had been blocked out, and only the stars above and below Orphelium's coiled body were visible.

Coiling around Avrin caused the space to shake and Avrin to ball his fists as he began to regulate his breathing. He did not need air, but it was a force of habit, which made dark matter act as a filling for his lungs.

The darkness was suddenly brightened somewhat. The light source was not something to be happy about though. Looking up, Avrin spotted Orphelium's moon sized eyes which emitted a deep red glow. Avrin remembered tales and folklore regarding doomsday and the apocalypse. He always considered things like that were avoidable if cards were played right, but looking at Orphelium, he was proven wrong. Avrin had never felt so hopeless in his life.

"You must be the one wanting to surpass their limits and become a Cosmic Entity?" Avrin spoke with a tone that was neither arrogant nor disrespectful. Orphelium remained silent for a moment as it looked at Avrin, almost as if it was trying to pierce his soul with its gaze. And it didn't fail. Avrin felt his soul quiver in fright, but this also angered him. He didn't like being helpless. He would return the favor to this creature.

"Not scared? You seem to know why I'm here. Obviously He must have told you." Orphelium's voice was not strong and was spoken as if it had been from an average person. This creature's level of control over its incredibly large vocal cords was quite magnificent. It must have had such a large amount of time to learn about itself.

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