Chapter 135: Giving Hope

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Pr Credits To Draconis Von BloodTrap &  Dragonofsomesort  Who Constantly Help With SR chapters, Please take the time to rep them for their work :)

Evening!. So everything has been going smoothly, and i feel as if releasing this would only be fair for you guys. That being said some of you may feel the pacing is a little quick in regards to this, but i have plans to get back to the story of certain individuals as things progress past a certain point.

There isn't much i have to say really, i'm just looking forward to testing myself for when i take that step into the universe with Avrin.

Please enjoy


"What is he doing?...He's been at it for nearly 7 months!" glancing down into the mirror like pool of water Tialoc gave an odd expression as he glanced between Avrin and Limos which was covered by Sarcanus. Beside him Septim and Zephiron also watched curiously. "Possibly something to do with those god essence fragments he formed, just make sure to keep watching every now and then. What happens to this planet is none of our concern anymore, we will soon reap some great rewards" Septim spoke with a heavy, coarse tone that lightened the closer he got to thinking about the end results in regards to Avrin and his deal.

"Pfft...I don't think he can be trusted, his rate of progress is infuriating..." Zephiron muttered out in a near vengeful tone, though Mallaku who had just stepped into the hall had heard it and grinned as he replied, "Sounds to me that you might be jealous....hahaha if it wasn't for me and Tialoc you would have been cut in half, what a sight that would be..." Mallaku these past months had not let Zephiron go in regards to saving him, almost as if he wanted Zephiron to owe him.

"Shut your mouth....he simply snuck up on me!.." Zephiron's expression twisted a little strangely as the thought of that moment when Avrin almost killed him still made him shiver with fear and anger.

"Enough! Watch, it seems a bug has found its way to him..."

Avrin by now was covered with snow to some degree, he hadn't budged an inch in these past few months, though the moment a snowflake touched the two god essence pieces, it would evaporate and be converted to dark matter. The entire summit of the mountain was now twisted to a small degree, the snow held a glowing purple hue signalling that so much mana had been drawn out and converted it had messed with the very makeup of the summit, to a degree that even purplish veins were forming under the point where Limos was located. These veins pulsed, emitting dark matter that would be absorbed by Sarcanus or dispersed into the surrounding snow.

Though the blizzard-like air soon grew more violent as a sharp sound of wings beating began to approach, a looming white shadow shot towards the mountain before smashing down, nearly dwarfing the summit. The creature that appeared was a large tri-horned dragon, its body was covered with white and blue scales showing this may infact be its habitat.

" think that I can't sleep properly because someone dares to defile the mana in this area...." the dragon's voice echoed out causing the summit to tremble, it was at this point that Avrin's closed eyes slowly opened as he glanced casually at the dragon as if he had just found an ant.

The dragon looked at him then at Limos which it felt held a sort of corruptive look. It snarled at Limos before turning its attention back to Avrin. " dare try to corrupt my land!...This is my territory demon!!! I will be sure to tear you to shreds!!!."

Avrin grinned before he raised his hand and pointed his index finger towards the dragon, nebula mist softly surged out before forming into a sphere that seemed unstable, this sphere began to condense until it was no longer the size of a large bowling ball but now the size of a tennis ball. Suddenly the sphere began to quiver and the space around it trembling slightly, a ring of jet black dark matter formed around the sphere before Avrin willed it to move.

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