Chapter 125: Hunger & Greed

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!!!!! Pr Credits To Draconis Von BloodTrap &  Dragonofsomesort  Who Constantly Help With SR chapters, Please take the time to rep them for their work :)

This Chapter is Sponsored by Owen Edwards, Michael Muldoon. Thank you for supporting SR!!

Chapter 125 here, i went over it a little and checked to see if i needed to space anything or reword sentences i felt were a little cheesy/dumb. i hope you all enjoy this chapter, next release will be this wednesday, hopefully my shoulder will be fine so i wont need to take a break ~_~

thanks again to all my readers for supporting spectral regalia, right now the biggest help so far is for not only my sponsors but for people sharing this story to others, im thankful for those who put this story on wattpad and other sites because it brings new people, im not a greedy author and i enjoy seeing new people pm me saying a friend recommended it to them, so this Wednesday im going to spoil you guys a bit more, im planning a an illustration poll to ask you all what 3 charecters/objects you want drawn next.


This was another reason Syrana and Myra couldn't be underestimated. Because their Sigil weapons come from one source, their abilities complement each other's, meaning they work perfectly together.

A section of the thorns around Orochi weakened and withered under Myra's command. This was because the section was the direction the Dragon Slayer slash collided against. She did this so the attack would stay at full power. A deep, disgruntled voice echoed from within the sphere as the wave of energy collided against Orochi from within. " this all you have?!"
Orochi's body began to glow a deep, poison-like green before it pulsed out. The pulse of energy not only broke the vines, but it also dispersed Giron's attack.

The pulse smashed down against the three Sigil wielders, blowing them back somewhat and even smashing the tops of some buildings before it dispersed. Orochi was soon revealed with a few scratches and marks. His right shoulder had a small gash from Giron's attack. It seemed he was testing himself against the attack Giron had used.

Above Seleria, within the palace the gods use as their home, not only Septim and Zephiron, but the other gods Nefria, Ishana, Lenaya, Gravuna, Tialoc and Mallauku, each with the appearance nearly identical to their respective created races, other than Gravuna, who seemed much more harpy and human-like than the ugly look of her Avian race. Of course, their appearances were not the only requisite parts about them. They wore clothing that radiated power, but this power was not at all as much as the aura of mana that seeped out from them.

They were all gazing down at a pool of water that seemed to be as reflective as a mirror. The water rippled only very faintly, but the scene that played out within was Orochi's battle with the Sigil wielders. "Hmph... That nine headed monstrosity sure is a buffoon. A new deity could have easily defeated the Sigil wielders of the races without breaking a sweat." The brutish voice was from Mallaku, the god who had created the beast tribe. One could see he didn't take fancy to Orochi taking his time in combat.

"You still haven't formed an ounce of strategy over these millenias of living. This creature is obviously enjoying himself and testing how far these pests can go." This was none other than Zephiron, who enjoyed taunting Mallaku greatly. But Mallaku, who had long, gritty red hair and a muscular body that seemed almost rock-like, stood up and clenched his fists. "Do you never know when to shut your mouth you vile cretin!" Mallaku was not fond of Zephiron.

"Brother, stop provoking him. And Mallaku, you need to calm yourself." A sweet voice belonging to a female who wore a simple white dress adorned over her body that did well to hide her fair curves spoke out. Appearance wise, one would see she was more so just a bit above average, but the charm she radiated made up for it. This was Septim's wife and Zephiron's sister, as well as creator of the Celestial race, Nefria.

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