Chapter 146: Skepticism & Beliefs

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!!!!! Pr Credits To Draconis Von BloodTrap &  Dragonofsomesort  Who Constantly Help With SR chapters, Please take the time to rep them for their work :)

Hello!, sorry for the late release my sleeping schedule is usually at 8pm due to me starting work again, so staying up at 12+am really makes me tired, its 2:25 am right now and after finishing a report i'm here now, better late then never ay? a few things first, the poll has spoken, il see what sort of artwork of Avrin i can have made, if anyone has any ideas or reasonable requests that don't include wanting me to add spoilers feel free to pm me or post a comment below.

Some people also suggested memorable scenes to be drawn, i don't mind this though i'm curious as to what scenes you would all like to be drawn? this would be a separate request from more pictures of Avrin of course, i'm not that stingy as to combine them both and treat it as one request.

Anyway with the sponsor queue cleared i can relax a bit, i also took the time to do a summary of last chapter like a few of you have requested, it was quite interesting to summarize a chapter a little troubling, that or i'm more tired then i thought

i felt like i haven't played well to Avrins tactical self, which is why i'm enjoying the pacing somewhat, he has learnt from his mistake on Seleria and is planning ahead and carefully.

P.S maybe a memorable scene would be Avrin battling Orphelium, would you guys like that? anyway goodnight and enjoy the chapter

Summary of Last Chapter.

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Last time on drago-.. i mean Spectral regalia!: The Anzazia mercenary group went on a hunting mission to defeat a blaze tortoise a creature they underestimated to be a peak master when it was at the early grand master level, of course after a few deaths, toomios the young man Avrin sold the sigil weapon to managed to kill it by going on top of it and cutting right through its shell to its innards using the sigil dark matter dagger he purchased from Avrin. This brought quite a bit of shock to his high ranking captains.

Avrin also decided to capture some bandits but not before using a dark frost mine to test on their leader, he hatched a plan to use the bandits to spread the use of his product in hope of giving his reputation a boost he feels it wouldn't hurt at all to try this and its a better use of the lives of these bandits then simply killing them, slave labor so to speak.

He gave them a deadline to return to him and even fabricated some lies to scare them from not doing what he wanted, Avrin then met a unique hulking creature in a barren desolate area during a sandstorm that tried to attack him, though this creature was easily overwhelmed, Avrin at first wanted to devour this creature but chose to convert it instead thanks to the strange lucent crystal formation on its back, Avrin had a feeling it was worth converting rather then killing.

After leaving the creature in a hole for the conversion process Avrin has slowly begun to put his plan into motion, of course only time will tell if he is successful.


These ant things resembled their earthen counterparts. The only difference was these ants walked on two legs and looked more menacing with the height of an adult. The creatures rushed out of their burrows towards the worm's corpse. Using their sharp mandibles that were just over one foot long with serrated edges, they began to tear at the worms two halves, cutting out parts to devour on the spot. A dozen seconds passed with Avrin staring fascinated at the scene. Over a hundred of these ant creatures had appeared, swarming over the corpse. It made Avrin feel disgusted, but also interested. He had read that there were a variety of ant races on this planet simply referred to as Antian tribes.

These tribes didn't communicate with the other species and kept to themselves, almost as if they were wild. Then again, it also spoke of their intelligence not being so great, which was also a high factor.

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