Ch 12: Protector Of The Forest

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Avrin chuckled quietly, as he figured he would die here. He spoke out, knowing nothing in this would probably understood him, but it made him feel a little better. "Don't know who you are, creature....but I'm warning you, come closer and you're dead."

Syrana tilted her head curiously and blinked a few times, ignoring his words which she found strange considering she knew many languages. This demonic-shaped creature was brandishing a distorted energy like blade and pointing it towards her. So she took it as a threat.

She didn't know what to think. Myra had said there was a feeling of rage rivalling Tiamat's and here was a demon-like creature with a broken body and different sorts of blood covering it. What caught her eye was the glowing blue metallic blood, but she shrugged it off as she looked at the dead carcasses of the Nemeans. She widened her eyes further and spoke in a rage.

"Have you no sense of order, demon? Killing these creatures of the forest who only wish to live and hunt to feed themselves? And you have mangled their bodies in such a disgusting manner!"

Avrin cringed slightly. If he didn't know better, he would've thought she was lecturing him in an angry manner, but he wasn't sure what to make of it. His vision was becoming more blurred when he chuckled.

"Shut up," he spoke, as he could at least tell her voice felt somewhat clear and feminine. "I don't know what the hell you're saying. Don't they teach English here?" Avrin stupidly blurted out to himself even if they couldn't understand a word he said. " That's right...I'm on this stupid magic planet. Either way." Avrin was at his limit. He was running on willpower and his body's natural strength. "Please go away." Avrin converted the weak void sword into an even weaker void bolt as the process of converting in such a shabby manner made a lot of the dark matter turn into waste that went back into the mana stream of the area like a virus.

He would fire this bolt towards Syrana, who blinked curiously.

"What is this dark magic?" she asked, before calming down, as it felt incredibly weak. She grinned before grabbing the void bolt barehanded and using her own energy to crush it with ease. Avrin could tell it didn't work since the figure was still in front of him. He chuckled to himself before roaring and charging towards Syrana. "Ha!!!!!" Syrana couldn't decide whether this creature was stupid or just insane.

Regardless, she decided to not take the situation easily, as he had murdered all these creatures. He was the only one to blame being covered in their blood and being the only one around, as well as firstly being aggressive towards her. She pointed her sigil warbow Eclipse, pulled on the warbow's ethereal string and a small energy line began to form and take the shape of an arrow. Thankfully for Avrin, she used a weak arrow, but unlucky for him, it was still intended to kill.

The Mana arrow fired off with a loud screeching sound that let a small shockwave out from Syrana's location blowing the leaves of the trees and even the nearby trees themselves. Like light, the arrow pierced through Avrin's right side completely blowing it off along with his arm, leaving a large hole that slowly grew larger from the blow.

Avrin's face was still focused on charging his enemy, as the shock hadn't hit him yet. But it was at that moment he felt death was whispering in his hear, telling him he was screwed and to pack his things. Avrin stood still before the demonic form around his body broke up like shelling and converted to dark matter before quickly stopping the hole from growing and covering the wound completely. Unfortunately, it didn't save his right arm nor the pain or exhaustion.

Avrin fell to the ground unconscious, although he could easily pass as a corpse, it seemed he himself didn't save his own life if he would live. But his Dark matter heart had glowed a deep black as if it knew he was about to die if nothing had happened and with a will of its own, it used Avrin's own demonic form as the source of its energy. And just like how Avrin had built a carapace around the Nemean's heart, a carapace-like shell was covering his wound.

Syrana's grin turned to a surprised glance in shock as the demon seemed to change and heal itselfThe arrow had curved up into the sky as to not damage the forest the sylphs loved so much. Syrana was contemplating whether to finish this now elven-looking creature that was laying on the ground motionless.

"It's settled...such a strange being should not live. He uses strange magic." As she spoke, the ground around Avrin began to emit a black look, as it was being absorbed by his body to fuel his recovery.

"Evil creature! Even as you lay limp, your presence destroys this sacred forest!" As Syrana was about to charge a more powerful mana arrow, a voice echoed.

"Syrana enough!" This sound alone caused the mighty maiden to freeze and stop her actions. She gazed to see her partner. It was the fairy priestess Myra, who had a worried look. It seemed she wasn't gazing at Syrana herself, but at the surroundings and even Avrin who laid limp.

"Such a waste of life. No more life needs to be taken tonight." Syrana glared as she clenched the sigil weapon. "Then let me kill this demon - he is clearly dangerous and will most likely continue to kill!! Look! Even now he defiles this forest!!"

Myra gazed and widened her eyes slightly as Syrana seemed to be right. "I'm sure there is a reason, there always is. For now though," Syrana raised the sigil weapon Moonwing and chanted. "Oh great spirits of nature who are plentiful in this forest, please grant your servant some of your power so that I may protect you." As if the trees heard her calling, they reacted, as well as the leaves and the remaining grass. As small specks of green energy came and built up to Moonwing before Myra spoke again. "Gaian shield." A heavy glow of mana appeared around Avrin and turned a deep green as well as a faint hue of blue that completely covered him. He floated to the centre of the sphere-like shield that gave of faint sparks of electricity.

"With this shield, he should not be able to injure the forest anymore. We must seal him in our city before he awakens." Syrana widened her eyes at her suggestion. "Our city?!! Myra we have grown up together - we are like sisters, but I must disagree with you. It's too dangerous!"

Myra gave a sad, pitiful look at Syrana. "Please. I feel that there is something about this creature we are missing. I saw his magic from afar as weak as it looked I'm sure there is more to him than meets the eye." As Myra pleaded, Syrana gave in and nodded.

"Very well. But if anything should happen, friend or not, I shall uphold our laws."

Myra nodded before speaking. "Very well." She had gambled an awfully large amount on this enigmatic creature she had just seen, even more so considering it seemed Avrin appeared evil by killing so much.

Syrana folded her arms after putting the sigil weapon Eclipse on her back and began to order the elves and fairies who had shown themselves.

"We must properly bury these poor creatures. If you find anything that is alive, please do your best to save it. As for the mess, the forest itself will slowly clean it, but the stain of death here will linger for years." She spoke fiercely those last words as her orders were followed while the Sylph group consisting of its variants began to do their tasks. Syrana herself sighed as she glared at Avrin, who was unconscious inside the floating gaian shield that followed Myra as she headed back towards the direction of the Sylph City of Kaendra.

Syrana silently whispered to herself "Myra, I hope you know what you're doing. That being is obviously dangerous."

Myra was walking alongside her escort of elven warriors and sylph mages as she gazed behind to see the floating sphere with Avrin inside of it. It was faint but she could feel the shield itself was slowly being eaten away. It worried her and she shut her eyes for a moment before speaking.

"We must hurry. The shield won't hold long!" The group of 11 began to quicken their pace as they continued.

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