Ch 92: Progenitor & Your Father

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Sient blinked and gazed at Avrin. Gregson and Kael's mother, who were quiet, also listened in. "Oh, a wager? Well, a small bit of a gamble can do no harm."

Sient responded, to which Avrin continued. "Firstly, if Kael wins, you are not to force any tasks upon him that he may dislike. He is to choose his own path. Secondly, I've heard you have a letter of admittance to Laymist Academy. If I win, I want said letter. There is someone I know who I've promised I would send to a branch academy."

Of course, Avrin was referring to himself. The reason he would have this done is because he didn't want Kael's father to take advantage of his son's new talent and strength, and the second was because if Avrin obtained this letter of admittance, it would be easier to cover trails that may be followed if anything suspicious occurred.

Sient gave a soft laugh. "Hah! Lord Avrin, I honestly do not understand these requests. This is some sort of joke, correct?" Avrin wasn't in the mood to joke around. He didn't really like Kael's father. He had the air of someone who wanted more power than he could handle.

Even further reason to not let him use Kael. Avrin reached into the enchanted sack and pulled out 100 gold coins. He wouldn't dare show such a man a Unique ore, as it may lead to trouble or rumors, and even be worse off for Kael.

Of course, 100 gold coins could be considered a subtle bet, and Sient simply shrugged. "Very well, you seem serious about this. If my son defeats his opponent, I will not force anything on to him and you will have the Laymist admittance letter. Let's arrange the match for next week then?"

Hearing Sient, Avrin shook his head. "No. Arrange it right now and get it over with." Hearing Avrin's words, Sient suddenly had an ominous feeling. But it only lasted for a moment before he cleared his throat.

"Well, hmm. Lord Avrin, you seem to know what you're talking about. But I can guarantee you that the man my son will be facing is a personal bodyguard of mine. The role of this battle is to solidify how no improvement within a year matters.

My son has already lost plenty of time. While I'm sure you know, his sister and brother are experts capable of defeating my bodyguard. If Kael cannot, then, he still holds no role in this family's future, due to this lost time."

The more Avrin listened, the more he felt as if this man could never be Kael's father. He was too vile in his eyes. Avrin may have done some terrible things in the past, but he believed in cause and effect. All his actions had a purpose. Including revenge.

Although he had done something on this planet, he wasn't  so proud of such things, such as stealing the tome that led to the Skymetal. This was him with his dark matter heart that sealed useless emotions and needs away. If even Avrin who had locked emotions can still feel hints regret, this man, who claimed to be Kael's father, was truly the lowest of the low.

At the very least, Avrin would need to help Kael one more time before letting him decide on his own future. Avrin couldn't babysit him forever. But at the very least, he would not let this vile, power-hungry man take advantage of Kael.

"This twit has no idea what's in store for him. He should consider himself lucky the bet was subtle and still allows Kael to be in this family-" Avrin quietly thought to himself.

Gregson, who was sitting nearby, gave a soft chuckle. "Ho! Well, things have gotten interesting quite quickly. Well then, Lord Sient, where will this match be held?" Sient happily placed his hands over each other with a smug expression only someone who felt pride in himself and those that benefited him greatly could have.

"The training hall of course. Let's take 15 minutes to prepare. I'm sure Lord Avrin would like to give a few words of advice to Kael?"

Avrin quietly replied "Indeed. Shall we conclude this to prepare?" Sient and Gregson both nodded. After which, they all stood up and departed. Gregson left with Sient to discuss other matters while Avrin made his way to find Kael, who was currently in the kitchen talking to an elderly maid and servant.

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