Ch 55: Truth

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Avrin blinked at the remark the man had made. He quickly went through his mind, trying to recall people he had met. Although it was easy, considering he hadn't met many, and this man was human. Only one person came to his mind.

"Ahh, you must be Larissa's father, correct?" Gregson only gave a hearty laugh and nodded. "I'm surprised you remembered my daughter after a couple of years. She must have rubbed off on you quite well." Gregson then grinned "Although, sorry to say, she's out of bounds. If you know what I mean"

He joked, but Avrin didn't seem amused. But he went along with this man's delusion. As Gregson began to speak to Avrin regarding magic he had seen, comparing it to Avrin's own, it seemed like he was trying to get some information out of Avrin. He surely knew he was an enigmatic user.

"Gregson, I'd rather not speak too much about my ability. That information is something I'd rather keep to myself" Gregson let out an 'Ahh' expression, as if understanding. If it had gotten out, his enemies present and future would use it against him.

"That's fine Avrin. I wont press further" He smiled before he stopped while gazing at the gate. "Here we are, the convoy leading to the port city." Waiting at the gate were several convoy like carriages that seemed heavily armored. They also had a sort of emblem on them, most likely the human army imperial symbol.

"Why the need for so many troops?" Avrin asked curiously. Surely a place like this wasn't at war. Gregson folded his arms and spoke in a serious tone. "Beyond here there are quite a few bandits. It's probably because the trade route is the main source of income for them, not to mention it's the best opportunity."

Avrin understood better and nodded before Gregson went on, Asura staying quiet and following Avrin, who followed Gregson. They arrived at a somewhat large carriage that seemed fortified with metal as well as spikes that looked razor sharp.

"This will be you and your friends. No need to worry about safety, you will be at the heart of the convoy, just behind me."

Avrin felt a little disappointed at being underestimated, but he figured it was for the best. "Thank you." A soldier went over to the door of the carriage and opened it, revealing a somewhat spacious interior, to which Avrin and Asura got in.

When Asura entered, the entire carriage seemed to wobble slightly. This only made the soldier gaze in shock and Gregson laugh as he spoke to Avrin. "If you need anything just let the driver in front know."

Avrin then nodded. From there, as everything had been set up, they began their journey, leaving Wayfarer village behind. The convoy itself was led by a group of knights on horseback, they were also at the sides and the back.

Avrin had taken the book he had bought from the bookstore and decided to read a bit. Asura seemed somewhat bothered though, due to the trip. Even though it had only been a good hour since they began.

"Master, I'm uncomfortable in this tight space..." Avrin raised his head as he was getting to the good part of the introduction to dark affinity. "Asura, you will just have to bare with it. Unless you would rather sit on top of the carriage."

Of course this was something Avrin joked about as he returned to reading his book. But the carriage wobbled a bit more before Avrin blinked to see Asura had indeed left the carriage to sit up on top.

The knights around it gazed with curious eyes to see a large cloaked figure come out to sit on the carriage near the spikes. Then again, they figured he might have been uncomfortable due to his size. They were surprised that he even lasted that long.

As nightfall arrived, the convoy had set up camp. It was common considering they were humans. The knights had set up a perimeter, and Asura and Avrin had being given a tent. But Avrin had began to wander around the campsite.

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