Ch 49: Revenge Served Ice Cold

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Lang gazed at Avrin with interest. What could he offer her that she wanted. She wasn't like most of her kin that enjoyed riches and unique treasures, she was comfortable with what she had being a servant of Lenaya and a guardian of the swamplands. Her voice echoed with ferocity, as if thinking he was trying to preserve his life with nothing to offer.

"What could you offer me? An insect like you who can only corrupt, what could you get. From another world you say?" Lang began to chuckle her hearty dragonic laugh, causing the system to rumble slightly "What lies you spin creature.."

Avrin frowned as he leaned up, slightly clutching his stomach as it began to heal, the pain fading slightly. Thankfully his body had also gotten more durable with training so it was common for his healing to be better if he was doing nothing but focusing on recovering. Of course such an injury still required attention and focus.

"I can see you love nature mighty dragon. What if I could offer you something. A plant never before seen on Seleria.. A plant so rare and beautiful even you could not reject it."

Lang became quiet as she began to think. Her nostrils were emitting a somewhat hot steam as she focused her eye on Avrin. "And you say you have such a flower?"

Avrin grinned. "With my ability I'm able to summon a flower from another world and bring it here. It would be the only one of its kinds and I dare say not even the gods of Seleria would have one." He began to spin his strategy towards this dragon.

If things went well he could twist lies and get out of here not only alive but with the metal. "This flower glows with the energy of another world and when it blooms its scent is enough to calm even the gods themselves. I'm sure if Lenaya were ever to appear you could offer this to her as a gift and possibly receive her blessings?"

Avrin was truly a spinner of sharp words. He had a plan and there was no way in hell he was going to let Lang get away with what she did to him. He never forgets someone who has irritated him.

Lang glared at him with her single eye as she was still laid down in that mossy hill that was her figure. "Very well creature..If you can bring me such a flower...I shall let you live..And, if it's as you speak, I will let you take the Sky Metal"

Avrin nodded and spoke "To summon this flower, I need to borrow some mana from these lands. But do not let that deter you, my ability only converts mana.

I am also able to take the corruption away as if it were never there. Do I have your permission?" Lang growled quietly as she stayed quiet for a few moments.

"Very well creature. BUT, if I feel that you have tainted my lair..I shall devour you..." The threat was all but real, Avrin would have to be careful. There was no way he was able to create life right now.

Synthetic organic material was different to something that was still alive. But there was one thing, one weapon he remembered that was used in dense jungle like battlefields. It wasn't deadly but it was a deterrent that was amusing.

Avrin raised both his hands as he began to emit nebula mist that began to create a rectangle 2 meters wide and 5 meters tall. As the rectangular mist became denser, until one couldn't see inside of it, he shut his eyes and began to put the image into his head.

He wasn't confident in creating most casual things as they required an understanding of what made them. But when it came to weaponry, especially ones that he found interesting, it wasn't hard for him to visualize it and put it in his head.

Of course, with training came the ability to focus better and block things out, allowing him to visualise his creation better which also meant the speed and dark matter used would be more efficient.

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