V6 Chapter 155: Shaded Moon Vs The Artificer Consortium's Branch

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!!!!! Pr Credits To  [Peter1765
Who Help With SR chapters, Please take the time to rep them for their work :)

This chapter was pred by peter alone i simply gave it a gloss over, so go easy on the guy as well as me Sad that being said any mistakes that ruin the story please pm/comment below.

i'm incredibly tired right now and its only 11:00pm the joys of a sleep schedule. regarding people Pming me i will take a look when i'm not so tired.

Off to bed p.s i'l have 156/157 ready by the end of the weekend to finally clear the queue .


"If you're here to cause trouble I will have to ask you to leave quietly..." Calomia didn't want to make things worse or cause trouble for Avrin so she spoke in a not so friendly yet not offensive tone. Meutin glanced at her carefully and gave a rigid hmph! Galum's eyes narrowed somewhat as he softly laughed before shrugging and replying; "Trouble? No trouble we were just stating the truth, we of the Artificer Consortium have been affected by your business's cheap imitations... is it fine for us who are in the right, who put our heart and soul into a product, to simply sit by and let those people who create fakes and worthless pieces of trash ruin our line of work?"

Calomia's heart stirred with anger, her wrinkled face narrowed as her right hand tightening on the head of the cane Avrin had given her. When it came to this she didn't have much knowledge about the subject but than again she also wasn't dumb, she glanced around to notice the sceptical worried looks from the new customers that had come in and had been waiting for quite awhile, the customers who had been with them for several months knew that their products were the real deal but no one dared to speak out and make an enemy of the Artificer Consortium, especially considering Galum and he's mentor were present.

"Do you have proof that our products are cheap imitations and worthless?" Calomia thought of a simple method, though she never expected that Meutin would softly laugh he's beard shaking slightly as he pulled out the dagger Avrin had given him, it was broken in two pieces with cracks that looked like it had been smashed against a tougher blade, the broken blade head was emitting a weak glow of the same metallic lustre as well as the bottom half of the remaining blade portion and the hilt giving the same weakened glow.

"I myself was quite fascinated with your store's products and decided to test it against one of my own. As you can see the result was not so good....but I'm sure everyone here may have some doubts, so lord Malvin if you will..."

Malvin the man who was Galum's teacher gave no expression as he reached out and pulled out a second dark sigil ring they had managed to coerce someone into selling, he then spoke. "Trigger short sword." With that, the ring emitted a faint pulse before reforming into a short sword identical to the others that people purchase, everyone wasn't sure what was going on but they knew it was the Artificer Consortium's way of ruining the reputation of a small-time rival.

Malvin then reached into his side and unsheathed a blade no smaller than the dark matter short sword, while holding it up he spoke out. "Ladies and gentlemen as you can see this product is one of our specialities the Zircon silver blade, an uncommon level weapon matched with another uncommon weapon that comes from this store, of course, it would be impossible to mimic this stores methods of creating a sigil weapon by the looks of it, meaning that creating a fake would also be impossible!"

Calomia shook with anger as she glanced at them silently. "-these bastards...they are using Avrin's unique method against him...they must have planned well...such snakes..-"

Malvin then grinned before his arms tensed, with  a quick motion he skillfully crisscrossed slashed the two blades against each other both colliding the collision causing the air to split and crack before the sound of metal shattering echoed across the hall. Shards of dark matter spread out across the room some even hitting people, though Malvin was quick to speak. "Please remain calm! As you can see this weapon from shaded moon is quite volatile and unsafe...it seems once it's broken which can be done so easily it will explode into shards that can damage your allies around you....if you want to be mad at someone well you are in the culprits home base...they are selling you a product that is very dangerous...."

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