V5 Chapter 150: Finalising The Deal

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RA: Hello, I just want to let you know that my updates will probably not be the same timing as Zephon because I became sick yesterday, so if you do not want late-ish updates then go to royalroadl.com (this was one day late)

P.s. I may separate all the chapters into their respected volumes, but only if you guys want, so send me a comment on my profile if you want them in volumes or not.
!!!!! Pr Credits To Draconis Von BloodTrap &  [Peter1765
Who Help With SR chapters, Please take the time to rep them for their work :)

This doesn't count towards the donation queue this is today's regular release as to not confuse myself, hopefully i can release a sponsored chapter later today if 151 is being finished.

P.S This marks the end of volume 5 and the start of volume 6.

Not much to say for now other then enjoy the chapter. Remember next chapter will be the beginning of volume 6.


Time passed on, and Avrin felt less regret for not spending time with both Calomia and Ilisia, who had become more joyful. Avrin didn't mind this at all, he knew he could be quite merciless and this was a bad thing to a degree. By retaining some easing qualities it would make his personality much smoother, but he also knew balance was key and in this universe if one was lacking they would stumble upon a mine field.

Avrin had only told them he would be returning to Roth village after he was sure he had gathered enough food for them to last a month. Calomia didn't act like it, but she was truly grateful. Her appearance was less withered and unhealthy. This was also the case for Ilisia now a rosy-cheeked girl, she had gone from an unhealthy pale colour to a healthy complexion.

Avrin had not felt at ease leaving them alone, so he had given Calomia a special flat crystal with a perfect square sticking out of it. The square had a slight indent in the center and it was slightly transparent, glowing with a faint blue light. The crystal was something Avrin had been thinking about the entire day due to his unease, thus he created a one-time use Divine Step device.

It had used 10% of his current energy to create and get right the first time, but for someone with the Heart of Creation, it came easily after getting used to the method. The crystal would activate by simply having someone place a bit of pressure onto the indent, then everything within a meter and a half radius of the person who activated the crystal would teleport to a set beacon.

Avrin could only do so much with his current knowledge and strength, though. The device would only allow them to Divine Step over fifty miles. The beacon was a small necklace Avrin wearing. Should anything happen, they would be transported to him. This was the safest option for now.

After saying goodbye to Calomia and the reluctant Ilisia, who wanted to go to Roth village with him, Avrin left. It was current 5:00 am and a normal person would have had to leave a couple of days ago if they wanted to make it to Roth with time to spare.

Avrin, of course, was a different case. As he walked Avrin placed the mask back on. Because his body was still in a state of recovery he didn't feel it was wise to mess with his appearance and body structure, thus the mask was still useful.

Roth village today was quite packed with mercenaries and people who had travelled far and wide because of a certain event. The Artificer Consortium had sent word using its connections that they would be purchasing any monster materials no matter the quality a step down from their previous words, even more, so that they were paying 20% extra to what any other shop was paying. This meant that not only would they be putting many stores in the red because of their hard tactics, but this was also a direct challenge to the Highland Syndicate.

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