Chapter 111: Changing Issues

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!!!!! Pr Credits To Draconis Von BloodTrap Who Constantly Helps With SR chapters, Please take the time to rep him for his work :)

This Chapter was Sponsored by Tobias Klauke

Here it is the promised sponsored chapter ^^ i got it awhile ago and i just woke up and immediately  skipped breakfast to post this. For this chapter i rewrote it twice trying to figure out a good way to make it flow. Regardless i hope you all enjoy it. i will see you all on Wednesday for the regular release, that is if the queue doesn't fill up.

Now if you will excuse me i have to go finish off Ch 112 and start 113 Q_Q


With a flash of light, Leo appeared in the arena. Avrin had an aching feeling in his heart, and his Divine Sense instantly surrounded the man. "-Are you kidding me?-" He thought to himself. He never expected that he would come face to face with the emperor and only Sigil wielder within the central continent.

Avrin walked back to the center of the arena before smiling softly. "Greetings, Your Majesty. I am truly honored to be in your presence." He bowed with fake respect. Avrin wanted to keep up appearances. He did not respect this man at all, but he was interested as to why he was here.

"Oh, you know me? It's quite rare for someone to know what I look like, as I don't make many public appearances. Though at least you're respectful, so I will give you that."

Avrin listened to Leo and nodded. "Your Majesty, it would be hard to not recognize someone with such a powerful aura. I don't think there are any Grandmasters within the central continent capable of making me feel nervous, and you are not the female Sage. The only other option is that you are the king."

Leo gave a hearty chuckle before nodding. "Yes, I suppose that's true. Well, I won't beat around the bush. Herth, was it? I'm here to be your next opponent. I set up this test myself, and it would be a bit weird for the impossible to become possible."

Avrin's eyes narrowed slightly. Leo's words meant that he was confident in beating Avrin and didn't intend to let him win. "Very well Your Majesty. Though I have a question and a request before we fight."

Leo gave a look of awe. Not many people would want a request and ask a question when they would be facing the king and seem as relaxed as Avrin. Leo clearly felt this boy was not normal and most likely had a trick up his sleeve.

He didn't plan to underestimate him at all. A boy at his age capable of defeating Grandmasters was quite monstrous. He could only sigh in regret, wishing his son had half of Herth's talent.

"You're quite gutsy Herth, I like that. Tell me what you want to say, I will humor you." Avrin's heart loosened a little and began to beat quickly. "Is it true you possess a piece of Skymetal?" Asked Avrin. Leo replied casually, as if it wasn't a big deal. "Oh, that? Indeed I do."

Leo raised his right hand and a ring on his index finger began to glow. A large, near perfect sphere wrapped in strange paper-like bindings and metal chains appeared. The weight of it was enough to cause Leo's arm to lower slightly.

Avrin looked at it with awe. He could feel the strange energy within those bindings. It made his heart flutter. He was even more convinced that it was Skymetal, as Astaroth began to twitch a little, as if feeling aggressive.

"This ore is quite dangerous. It almost attacked me several times, which is why I have it heavily sealed." Leo smiled and the chunk of Skymetal turned white before vanishing back into the space within Leo's ring.

Avrin's mind was racing. "-No wonder I couldn't detect it, it was hidden within that ring. I never knew spacial pockets came in the shape of rings. They must be quite valuable-"

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