V6 Chapter 159: Quick Scuffle!

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!!!!! Pr Credits To Draconis Von BloodTrap & Peter1765
Who Help With SR chapters, Please take the time to rep them for their work :)

Promised Early release, i hope you all enjoy it. i don't have time to look over my pms yet as i have dinner tonight with some friends and then an early turn in for work, but il try my best to answer some comments left in the thread later on while leaving the pms for tomorrow.


Avrin quickly raised his right hand and Nebula Mist flooded out, causing a barrier to form. The young man's strikes struck the barrier, causing it to crack with each hit which in turn would release a small pulse of Qi.

"Such a weird ability....you're not using mana? You're not using Qi or are you utilising Equilibrium Force. Are you from the second universe?!" Avrin, with his hand raised, keeping dark matter channelling into the shield, listened to this lunatic closely, "-Why is he speaking as if I am guilty of something!-"

"You are surely strong, stranger. You should know we who train with Qi love an opportunity to hone and train ourselves!" the young man pushed himself back as he looked at Avrin's shield with a prideful grin. Of course, he was also lost in thought. "-That shield wouldn't break. I'm still holding back, but... this individual, why do I feel as if I know him?-"

Avrin looked closely at him. He wasn't at full power because of the shift, he couldn't afford to get into an all out brawl with this crazy guy. "I don't have time for this, leave me alone." Avrin frowned. He had his own questions but he felt he would find out eventually. He began to shoot up towards Seleria which was engulfed by the aura.

As he flew towards it, the young man followed, easily matching his speed. This man utilised Qi to engulf his body in an aura which allowed him to propel wherever he pleased. He spoke out as Avrin looked at him somewhat stunned. "Where are you going? What's the rush? What are you trying to hide? You're obviously up to no good!"

Avrin didn't know why, but this person seemed to tug on his emotions, but he realised something. He ignored him for now and spoke. "You can't see it?" as Avrin said this the young man glanced around curiously. "See what? Are you an idiot? There is nothing to see but the planet below us and endless space. You made me lose track of the Defiled ones if you have an interesting secret about some place here you better spill-"

Unable to finish his words, Avrin punched the young man square in the cheek. The punch itself contained serious strength, yet Avrin still held back. This caught the man off guard and sent him flying. "Piss off already!" Avrin's eyes narrowed and he was grinning. He got a bit of revenge and sent this buffoon on his way. If he couldn't see Seleria but Avrin could, it must mean that God had put an extra set of protection on it.

"-This is good, it looks like no one but me is able to see Seleria. I can only assume. Maybe, just maybe, those on the Cosmic Entity level are also unable to see it. That would make the most sense. After all, what would be the point in setting this invisibility!-"


Avrin suddenly felt his body freeze for a moment. A shout echoed out and when it did, it stunned him, causing him to be unable to move. He felt his body tremble slightly, yet his eyes could glance around. They focused on a point in the distance from which he felt the surging energy. With his sight, he was able to notice the figure in the distance. It was the young man. His hair had stood on end, emitting an aura like electricity. His pupils were something he recognised although very faintly. This young man's right eye held a transparent Yin symbol while his left eye contained a transparent Yang symbol.

"-The fragment God's soul?! This loon has it?!-" Avrin was astounded, because he did not expect to meet another Inheritor so early. He was even more shocked than the time when he first found a piece of God essence. How could things turn out like this? He had a very odd feeling that this meeting was not random, but was one that something or a certain someone had had a hand in.

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