Ch 10: Shadow Of Rage

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Avrin's supplies consisted of a melon pan, a military standard water bottle filled with water he had formed, some protein rich jerky, and fruits and vegetables, all in one large sack he could hold over his shoulder. He was whistling as he continued to pack his things. He felt as if he was freer than ever to decide for himself. No military, no prison, just a world that gave him a new start.

Although he was sceptical of his true intentions here, which was to entertain god, he had no intention of letting himself be used in such a way. Then again, god probably knew this but it didn't seem like he interfered. Avrin started to think that this was also something god predicted, but he shrugged it off.

Avrin had intended to leave in the afternoon, but something uncalled for happen. Thunder began to echo around the area. It shook the earth and a downpour of rain began to engulf the landscape. "What?" Avrin held his hand outside of the entrance, only to be welcomed by the cold water that slipped down from the sky. I can't be helped. I'm not god - I can't stop it from raining," he jokingly said, before heading back into his shelter. He began to practice his ability. He was engulfing his hand in the aura he tried before and would strengthen the aura while willing it to change.

Unlike his prior augmentation, now that he was forcing it to modify itself into claws, it gave him a sharp pain and he clenched his teeth while watching it form the very claw he had seen before. "Five seconds instead of several hours, accompanied by a sharp knife like pain. Hopefully that side effect will vanish once my body is used to this sped-up augmentation." Avrin began to repeat the process several times with both hands. He would start by keeping them normal then let his aura flow around it, waiting for it to change the colour of his skin before willing it to augment quickly.

It was a disturbing sight, seeing a normal hand turn into something considered an abomination. He wondered if there were creatures that looked more hideous than his own hand that were considered normal and accepted into society. He pushed the thought aside, thinking there was no way the humanoids on Seleria were that forgiving. After all, from what he could tell, the gods of this world didn't seem so perfect.

Avrin decided to spend the next few hours working out. For some reason, he was able to do double the amount he did last time. Was this an effect of his body? The ability to quickly grow and adapt to physical need and stress? If that was the case, Avrin welcomed such a useful ability it would only mean that he would get stronger quicker. He also pondered if this applied to his own dark matter ability.

While continuing to work on improving himself, the rain continued on in a violent torrent. He wondered if this was the natural weather of the planet. If so, it would prove bothersome, especially considering the rain droplets managing to get through the cracks in the shelter. Avrin was doing a set of chin-ups, making sure he had removed his clothing and replaced it with something fit for exercise. He contemplated what would work well before realising gym clothing was obviously the best.

He decided to wear tracksuit pants with white lining that fit well. It was something that he created using dark manifestation. But he would leave the top half of clothing off his body as he wanted to see the effects of physical stress on it to see if it grew or changed. From the entrance, looking into the cave one could see a elven-like creature with weird pants and no shoes or socks, using a piece of metal stuck on the caves ceiling hoisting himself up before letting himself down. Although the very same person who would think this would also see the creature had incredible muscles that no elf could surely have, not to mention the arm strength. If they had watched from the beginning they would know Avrin was on his 21st set of a constant rep with no breaks that consisted of 50 chin-ups and increasing.

Avrin was surely improving. He wasn't sure why he didn't notice the difference when he had exercised before but every time he felt pained in his muscles, he also felt a feeling inside his body, as if something was changing or adapting. The pain would vanish a few seconds after the feeling, but then come back as he pushed himself further. If it was like this, he would be able to exercise forever, but for now his body had reached its limit. He reached 34 sets of a constant rep consisting of 50 chin-ups before he felt exhausted and hungry. It seemed his body's supply of fat or energy or whatever was used in this world was exhausted out.

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