Ch 60: Divine Intervention

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After reattaching his metal mask, Avrin could see that the hallways were somewhat quiet with the occasional guard or two heading through. The ship's interior seemed to be made from a steel like metal that was obviously enchanted by magic, to the point where it was slightly visible even to the naked eye.

Having learnt the basics of blacksmithing, Avrin had thought he should open up a minds eye towards things crafted from metal; this was also a recommendation by Klin. This would help him get ideas as well as understand how things could be used and made.

Avrin headed up several floors of the large ship until the ocean air filled his nostrils, it was refreshing and somewhat dry but it was still something he would love to look at. Having arrived on the top deck his eyes widened with fascination.

The sea itself wasn't as desolate as one would think, although land was out sight there were many ships in the distance, mostly scout ships and trade vessel looking ships as well as fishing vessels taking advantage of the clear weather.

The water of this ocean was pristine and unpolluted although it kept its strong blue color. The top deck itself was active with workers attending mechanisms that needed to be cared for, although they didn't look like soldiers and more like dockworkers hired to help, Avrin felt these men had some form of training just in case pirates or something would show up.

Avrin was snapped out of his curious daze by a familiar voice. "Ah Sir Avrin its good to see you." Turning his head Avrin gazed at the man and instantly recognized him the mage that explained the mana tornados.

Although the mage blinked as he spoke "uh you are Sir Avrin correct?" motioning towards the mask he wore Avrin nodded. "I am. " Avrin turned back around as he gazed at the expansive ship it was incredibly huge and he had a question.

"I didn't quite get your name, but I have a question. How difficult is it to craft a ship such as this?"The mage gave a soft chuckle and replied. "I apologize I am Magi Tyrin, one of 10 who help serve humanity under the Archmages orders.

As for this ship sir Avrin, a vessel such as this takes 5 years to build, but it is not that the manpower is lacking.

There are several things needed to be taken into account such as builders who understand what they are doing as well as preparing the required materials, I'm sure you have noticed the enchanted metal and wood used the process creating it is the biggest time consumer in crafting a vessel such as this."

Avrin showed great interest in boats as well as any weapon that could be used for war, a trait of being a general. It also didn't hurt to learn at every chance he got. "With all this advancement in enchanted materials wouldn't it be easier to build vessels capable of flight?"

Tyrin let out a hearty almost sarcastic chuckle "haha sir Avrin I wish we understood flight better. Our attempts at flight are quite good but we have been met with negative support.

Most consider flying to be reserved for single use such as the races born from it, the avian tribes demons and even angels alone. They also suggest we not create vessels capable of flight as it impedes on them".

Tyrin frowns "although I am one of few supporters who would enjoy seeing equality, there logic without the political talk is they do not want us humans to fly because they would not seem so unique".

Avrin nodded he could understand this and agreed. "Sir Avrin will you not reconsider joining us for dinner? I had heard that your companion Asura had agreed immediately after being offered. Lord Gregson had hoped for you to meet lady Karina and possibly build a relation".

Avrin seemed to laugh softly "Tyrin it sounds like Gregson is trying to set up a marriage for me by the effort he is attempting to get me to go" Tyrin was silent and gave a soft snicker. "Well I can't deny this, he has boasted your skills and power only seeing it once lord Gregson is a great judge of character after all".

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