Ch 26: Midas

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Avrin pondered on who to use. Of course, he could use a street urchin who he had no relation to and that no one would care for but then he remembered the Nemean and felt somewhat bad. He wondered if it was still alive and what had happened to it. Surely they would not dare to kill it? He would have to find out another time. As of right now, his own survival was imperative.

Avrin glanced back and forth until he noticed a perverted looking man eyeing the expensive jewelry and wares as if he were about to snatch them and hide them under his attire in the blink of an eye. Avrin smiled faintly. This man was perfect. He didn't seem like anyone special, just your average Joe.

Avrin called out to the man right before he passed through the side alley. "Hey you!"
The man froze as if someone were about to slit his throat. Horrified, he turned to face Avrin and blinked. "Me?" There was a tremble in his voice.
"Yeah, come here. I've got a proposal for you," Avrin said calmly and soothingly, to convince the man he meant no harm.

The man wasn't convinced. He still thought it might be some sort of trick. He hesitated for a moment, but went closer into the alley, nearly out of sight to the other passersby. "What do you mean, proposal?" the man asked. He wouldn't let the chance to make some extra coin slip away.

Avrin raised his hand to reveal his golden bracelet. "Would you be interested in buying this gold bracelet, crafted by a novice blacksmith who had gone into debt and had his assets sold off?" Avrin was lying through his teeth, but it would lend reassurance as to where he got this bracelet from.

The man took the bracelet and examined it. "Hmm. It's not the best I've seen...but why sell it here? Surely you can find a merchant?"
Avrin grinned. This confirmed that he would be able to sell it to a merchant, but he figured he didn't need much. "I don't really have much time. I need the coin to pay off my tab," he lied again. At least the lie gave a little credibility as to why he was hiding here to sell it.

The man grinned back. He figured he could cheat Avrin, but, little did he know, Avrin couldn't care less. All he wanted was one of each coin and he could handle the rest. "Hmmm..." The man initiated his buyer mode. "Well, as I said, it isn't the best. I can give you...5 gold coins."

Avrin knew the man was ripping him off, but he played his game. "Five gold coins?!?" he growled. "This is worth much more!" He made sure not to name a price, as he actually wasn't quite sure how much more it was worth. "Look, I'm in a rush. Give me seven gold coins, five silver, and two copper and we'll call it a deal."

The man was curious as to why Avrin wanted the lesser coins, but decided not to ask questions. Who would argue with a free profit, after all? "Hmm the price seems fair then."
The merchant didn't bother to continue. The gold bracelet seemed quite unique, despite its shabby craftsmanship. It gave a bright shine, almost glowing in the sun light. Avrin held his hand out for the payment.

The man smirked and held the small coin sack after calculating everything. "You know, maybe you stole this. You look a little suspicious." The man snickered. Avrin raised a brow, knowing exactly where this was going. The man continued, "Maybe I should alert the guards. That is, if you don't give this to me without paym-"Avrin grabbed him by the neck, raised him up nearly two feet, and pinned him to the wall.

"It's just like you said. And there's nothing stopping me from gutting you and leaving with both the bracelet and the gold. After all, no one knows who I am." Avrin's menacing smile appeared from the shadowy hood of the cloak and the man almost pissed himself with fear.

He began to plead and beg for forgiveness. Avrin dropped him in disgust and took the gold coins. As the man ran off he called out "Y-you haven't seen the last of me!! I'll be back!!"
Avrin shook his head. "Whatever," he whispered to himself before heading deeper into the alley and exiting from the other side.

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