Ch 39: Time Fly's By

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Avrin had managed to shoo Izanami who left with a sigh and a pout, but he cared not for her frustration. After she had left he began using the dummy that was nearly identicle to a wing chund dummy in his own universe. Something used by martial artists.

Although this one had some sort of mana inside of it, and it responsed to Avrin's movements. It was somewhat quick to hit away his hand but he would have no trouble memorizing its attack pattern. It didnt seem to be so advanced so he adjusted himself to it.

He continued to use the dummy while also continously training his body with a regime of push ups and sit ups aswell as several sets to train his legs. His own worlds excercises seemed weird here, but it was still as effective if not even more so due to the physics being different.

He did not forget to train his posture and attack stance. This was due to him looking at a large tablet sticking out from the ground showing attack stances that seemed like a basic building block for the white dragon. Although he saw Ayame use it before, she seemed to remove it completly. Most likely due to anger.

Izanami on the other hand had just rushed at him and ended it quickly, a truly frightful opponent. Avrin found the stance of the white dragon clan to be quite good, although it required one to tighten their muscles and move their legs in a position that would make it hard to budge. It seemed like this stance was mainly used for defence.

What intrigued him was what use was this stance for a clan that specialised in killing techniques.
The day went by fairly quickly as Avrin found himself to be enjoying it quite a bit. He had removed his top and left only the tight outfit that pressed against his muscles melding quite well with his upper body.

He dared not remove it all as he was worried Izanami would spy on him. Once he had finished, he dropped down onto a bench and panted heavily. This training was indeed more effective than when he was in the cave. He had more open space as well as ideas to follow the feeling of his meditation. It helped a lot and gave him a sort of adrenaline burst that made him feel energetic.

"I can definitely do this for months on end if it means I can get stronger..." He spoke while panting softly. To which a voice called out "Ho ho ho! Avrin, it seems your working hard! I'm glad to see my first personal disciple isn't a slouch."

Avrin turned to see Shimaru walking toward the training area. "Teacher, you're back?" Shimaru nodded "Yes, everything is taken care of. Speaking of which, I can already see a change in you. You seem to have used the pulsing dragon correctly. You know, not everyone gets it right after a couple of goes. It's a technique that takes months to learn and years to master."

Avrin chuckled with a smile "Unfortunately I have only learned it. I doubt I am close to mastering it." Shimaru nodded and as he approached a small arena like section he gazed at the basic stance that was drawn. "Oo, I forgot we had this here. It represents the Dragon's Gaze stance.

And just like that, as if his motions were fluid like water, he used the stance that put Avrin to shame. No movement was in a stutter, his entire body moved as if each limb knew what to do and had done so a million times. As he entered the stance perfectly, he did not move a centimeter, not even the wind could budge him. It was as if he was more still then a statue.

"Amazing.." Avrin thought to himself, although he wondered how good the stance actually was . Avrin grinned and formed a void sphere, not skimping out on its power before firing it towards Shimaru.

Shimaru's gaze was fixed infront of him and the sphere headed to his side. The moment the sphere entered his personal space, as if like a blur, it was like he teleported 5 feet infront the sphere hitting him but it seemed like what it hit was an after image.

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