Chapter 144: Planning & Beginning

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!!!!! Pr Credits To Draconis Von BloodTrap & Dragonofsomesort Who Constantly Help With SR chapters, Please take the time to rep them for their work :)


After reading the comments before and taking in some good suggestions i "wont!!" be rewriting anything. I will wait until spectral regalia is finished before i even consider anything. That being said i left a simple note on the first prologue stating that the story gets better as one reads on, at least i think it does? *cough*

Anyway, i'v also received other comments and pms in regards to donations, i realize my story isn't top level yet and i shouldn't make donations so expensive i needed a price that wont ruin me for time because of my real life job and obligations but also seem modest. Iv set the donation to 40$ per chapter, i hope you guys find this better in terms of pricing.

I guess i wont take the week off? i have no idea why but i just cant draw myself away from writing, chapter 145 is also being pred soon, for updates follow me on twitter.
That being said im interested to know what you guys are hoping to see or expecting to see in future spectral regalia chapters, leave a comment below and i will surely get right to it.

Enjoy the chapter, if i have missed anything out please let me know.

Also some authors including myself have received messages by a site trying to poach us from RR after seeing its success. I hope you guys will stay loyal to RR and if you all ever decide to write, to think carefully about any potential offers you may receive from fishy sites like that, they are only trying to make a profit. RR has helped me improve and the community here is incredible i hope you all have experienced what i have here as well.

Keep an eye out for suspicious Pms.

Several purple veins spread out from the area of his chest across his body. The air around him began to distort slightly as if he were the center of a sort of gravitational pull. Avrin quickly looked around. Thankfully, not many people were out at this time and only the upper section of the market bazaar was busiest. He sidestepped into the alley where empty crates were stacked. He walked in and no longer tried to hold back the change that occurred.

The air suddenly emitted a faint blue glow as streams of mana were now visibly being absorbed into Avrin. The alley let out a faint light, though it didn't last long as the light slowly faded until it was gone completely.

Avrin felt as if several hundred tons were lifted off his body. He knew this marked a stage of recovery as his strength elevated to that of the Mythical level, he truly was amazed at how quick he could recover from such a near death state though, considering he had God's Heart, it didn't become as surprising the more he thought about it.

He was now absorbing mana from the air at his normal pace. He had underestimated his recovery ability "-If this keeps up, I'll have my previous strength in only a few days-" Avrin was ecstatic. His Divine Sense finally expanded out with a sort of pent up excitement. No longer was it only several meters, but now it was expanding for miles.

Avrin could now get a detailed look of the village and surrounding area. It was quite big for a village, but he ignored it. His Divine Sense expanded further and further until he got a grip of how far he could expand it to. His current reach was six-hundred miles. He could even feel the city that was on the horizon. Its size was incredibly large, at least three times larger than the human capital Altea on Seleria.

Avrin felt many strong individuals ranging from Sages to Mythical levels. Surprisingly, he had even felt that the strongest individual there was a mid Legendary. Avrin couldn't get clear details of everything at that reach, as it was his limit, but he could see that this was a woman and she was within a large room with several Mythical level beings and some Sages, most likely discussing something.

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