Ch 6: Of One's Potential

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Avrin was dreaming of something he considered personal. But, because it was his first time sleeping in this world, he could only consider such a dream as irritating.

"Avrin..." a voice called out, but he didn't respond, as he was still in a daze. He then heard it again. "Avrin...General Avrin, sir. Are you awake?" Avrin was seated behind a sturdy oak desk in a reasonably sized office room with a single window. It didn't have much other than the essentials one might think were important for the military. Gazing blankly Avrin shook his head as he gazed at the man in uniform in front of him.

On the right side of his jacket, he had several medals, but it looked like nothing compared to Avrin, who had medals on both left and right sides of his uniform. "Uhh, I'm fine." He shook his head slightly and blinked. "Something feels off. Was I day dreaming?" he mumbled to himself, before the man responded in a worried tone.

"Sir, are you ok? You don't seem all that well." Avrin gazed at him with an emotionless look. He was often known as the scary general to those who didn't know him well, but to his subordinates he was a respectful man who provided for his troops.

"No, I'm fine. I just feel out of place." Avrin looked at his desk and, seeing several papers, his eyes widened at the man's next words.

"That's because you are out of place sir. You did kill millions after all." Avrin raised his head and gazed at the man that would be known as his right hand. His name was Captain Fredrick Page, also the man who helped rat Avrin out in hopes of taking his position. "What did you say?" Avrin responded calmly, but he had an aggressive look in his eyes.

Fredrick grinned as his face darkened. He took a step back before the doors of Avrin's office burst open, revealing an empty black space that Fredrick vanished into. Avrin stood up to ready himself, but the door seemed to get closer before it engulfed him in an empty darkness that felt like it was crushing him "W-what is this shit?!"

The sounds of people moaning in sorrow and pain, as well as the screams of women and children who Avrin felt no longer lived, haunted him. That was until Avrin fell onto a solid surface his eyes shut. Then he opened them slowly in horror. Around him was a limitless amount of charred corpses and dismembered bodies, as well as burning ruins of a city.

It made him want to puke. Not even he could withstand such horror or senseless murder. That was until he realized something by looking up at the dark sky lit faintly by the roaring flames engulfing the area. "Those moons....Cryos I and Cryos II....that means this planet..."

He quickly stood up in horror as the planet's identity was none other than Votera Prime - the planet Avrin condemned for a purge of millions. He hunched over as he began to puke violently, then stopped at the feeling of something grabbing his ankle. He looked down to see a small female child with her arms missing. She cried out to him in a miserable, fearful voice.

"Mummy! Where's my mummy?" Avrin's face turned from horror to stunned shock as he gazed at the child. Although she was burned and was missing a limb she indeed had the signs of Ziox virus. This didn't deter Avrin. He fell to his knees and embraced the child in a tight hug as the girl continued to cry.

"Forgive me! I took all that you cared for away....I'm sorry!" Avrin spoke in a near crying tone. The ground slowly shook as the corpses of the dead began to make their way towards Avrin and the child. Avrin looked up to see them approach and let out a pained gasped as he stood up. He felt a sharp pain in his chest and slowly turned to see the source. It was a black dagger-like blade and attached to its hilt was the remaining hand of the child.

What shocked him more was the expression she gave. One of evil and vengeance for his blood, as she gave a wide grin, mouth open to reveal sharp razor-like teeth that were definitely no longer human. Her eyes deformed slightly as she began to melt, while the corpses latched onto Avrin's limbs.

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