Chapter 121: Bypassing Obstacles

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!!!!! Pr Credits To Draconis Von BloodTrap &  Dragonofsomesort  Who Constantly Help With SR chapters, Please take the time to rep them for their work :)

i decided to do this weeks regular release early since i will be busy this Wednesday, its not one of my best chapters but i'm sure you guys will understand the pacing once you read it till the end. i noticed that what i consider myself bad at, is writing from the perspective of non spectral characters, that being said its something i will have to improve. i noticed a few individuals pming me regarding loopholes and continuity issues in my past chapters, i'm thankful to you all for managing to pick these out, it lets me fix and reword these before it becomes a large issue


Currently seated at a table with Avrin were Erebus and Kael. Erebus had even gone as far as to personally brew tea, which he had come to love, his personal favourite was ginger with some lemon, he felt it was refreshing.

Avrin was seated with his right hand against his cheek as he listened to Erebus explain everything in a not too long or short summary. Having listened for a half hour, it was nearing the end of things until today.

"Lord Monarch, as I have explained up until now, I have done my best to keep our race hidden. Of course, I'm sure you know how hard Asura is to handle at times, but he hasn't given away any secrets, which is good." Erebus finished his story. Kael was silently listening while drinking the brewed tea with both his hands over the simple cup.

"Well then." Avrin started before quietly thinking, then taking a deep breath. He didn't want to be a general in this life as well, he wanted to be free to do as he pleased. Erebus, in his eyes, was doing a fine job but he wasn't strong enough to properly lead in this world, which meant Avrin still needed to hold the reigns. Regardless of the outcome, the Spectrals would most likely always treat him as the rightful ruler.

"I realise our understanding of this universe is limited. As I grow stronger, I know that there are beings out there that greatly tower over us. That being said, regarding the rankings I had told you about before, it was a good move on your behalf to not put them into place as levels of ability. In this case the proper way to do things is to use these as titles of ranking in status instead of power. I refuse to believe such a vast universe lacks a ranking of its own." Avrin explained the way he wanted things for several minutes.

Of course, he wanted order to be a focus early on instead of later when things may get out of hand. From there, he decided that Erebus would be ranked as a King, second under Avrin. This was because Avrin trusted his leadership, as he seemed to be the most thoughtful of the bunch. Asura and Kael would be ranked as Grand Princes.

Despite them being as strong as Erebus, this was just to keep them in line. Eitri, of course, was ranked as a Craft King. Avrin realised he would have two at the top in both categories hoping this would allow people to see what to work towards. It was not strength alone, but wisdom.

Shandian would be ranked as an Earl. Avrin decided this because Shandian still had a bit of progress to make. With these individuals ranked in title, it meant there was a chain of command. Though he had little time right now to properly organize this all, he trusted Erebus to organize it for him. After all, it would be incredibly dumb if Avrin did not make good use of his loyalty.

"Erebus, from here onwards, make sure titles are given deservingly. This is the first generation and I expect many to work hard for the later generations to look up to. My main goal at this moment for our people is for them to strengthen themselves. I can't always be around to protect you all, and allowing everyone to come here was a gamble that paid off." After Avrin finished, Erebus was eager to speak.

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