Ch 3: Universal Showroom

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Avrin was quiet for a few moments after god asked the question, as if expecting god to come up with Avrin's own thoughts. The expectation died out as it seemed he was also silent. It didn't seem like he wanted to help Avrin with any clues regarding the question. Avrin finally spoke up. "Not much I didn't really think such a thing existed. Then again, here you are, the one god talking to me. Uhh, you mentioned aliens so I thought we were the only beings you created."

God replied in kind, first answering his last words I created many creatures to inhabit your universe but only humanity is special enough as to receive my full attention"

Avrin dared not bring up the evil that had plagued humanity for thousands of years, as well as the world, and why god didn't interfere. He tried hard, in fact, to not think of it, but god knew of his intentions and did not reply to it. In fact, he continued on to Avrin's answer regarding what he knew of magic. "Magic is indeed a reality, but it does not exist in your universe to the degree as shown in cartoons. Only those who I have tasked with bringing change were able to use it in some shape or form. Some call them messengers other's call them prophets and even angels."

Avrin carefully listened, as he was getting some valuable information that no one would ever hear. Then again, what use was it to him as he had no way to use it or even anyone to believe him? Avrin clicked his tongue quietly as he spoke. "Judging by the way the conversation is going, I take it the universe I'm to be brought to has magic in it?" Avrin listened hard for gods answer.

"You catch on quickly, Avrin, and you are correct with your assumption that this universe has the freest reign of magic that I have created, to a degree. If a being becomes powerful enough in harnessing it, it isn't too far to say they can create planets."

Avrin's expression turned to one of interest, as it would be incredible to be able to do so. He wondered if anyone in this universe had ever done such a thing. "You seem curious regarding what sort of beings exist in such a place. Well, I must tell you, unlike your own, there are no beings that you would refer to as aliens and this universe is much much younger than your own.

In fact, humanity's interest with other deities, witches, and magic inspired me to create such a universe." Avrin chuckled softly, as he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Imagine, inspiring god. Before he spoke, god replied, "Oh, don't think too much of it I know all of humanity's intentions, but sometimes it's better to play the not all omnipotent being. It is more interesting."

Avrin nodded, even though he could not see god. He also wondered if he had a form of his own, curious to know what he looks like. In the bible it was said that man was shaped after god himself. He brushed his thoughts aside and continued to listen. "Moving on with your curiosity of these beings, yes, there are no aliens. Only one planet is inhabited.

When I created the big bang that made his universe I added what you call magic into the mix and what came out was interesting." Avrin's face showed his eagerness to know what it was. He wasn't the type to wait hundreds of years for an answer and, knowing god was ageless, he was worried he may have to wait as such, but was told otherwise.

"Fear not Avrin. I will not make you wait. From the birth of this universe, the first sentient life forms - if humans were to meet them and see what they could do and taking mythology from humanity into account you would refer to them as "gods". God spoke that last word in an almost ironic tone.

Avrin spoke up. "But aren't you the only god? Surely you wouldn't create such powerful beings without reason?" The room began to shift, as it seemed to vanish instantly to that of nothingness. In the dark distance a small point of light seem to grow before exploding into a bright cosmic sight. Avrin swore he would have went blind had, if it not been for the feeling that he was somehow protected from it by god. "Are you enjoying the birth of a universe Avrin? You are the only person I have ever shown such a sight."

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