Ch 56: Doppelganger

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Avrin frowned before gazing at him carefully. Looking at this man and the way he thinks, Avrin couldn't help but feel a little of himself inside of him. Gregson's arrogance and closed mind reminded Avrin of something he wasn't proud of.

Avrin had carefully placed the alcoholic beverage down and looked at Gregson carefully. He clearly wanted to change the subject that seemed to bring up thoughts better left forgotten. "If I was to offer my services to humanity, what benefits would I be given?"

Gregson blinked several times before placing his own beverage on top of a small chest, most likely containing valuables. "That depends on how you do. " Gregson smiled softly and reached up to rub his chin. "I can't really trust a man whose face I haven't seen before. Why don't we start off by showing me your face?"

Avrin raised his hands, lowering his hood. He had nothing to fear unless this man preferred men like him. Then again, this was a thought that was false considering Larissa was his daughter.
Gregson's eyes widened before he let out a soft chuckle "Haha, boy, I can see why you hide your face. A charming lad like yourself would have girls all over you"

Avrin softly returned the laugh. It was indeed a funny, and he couldn't suppress the laughter. "Well then Gregson, the benefits?" Gregson cleared his throat. "Avrin, do not take humanity's army lightly. There are millions of us to make up for our lack of perfection in a certain skill.

The Beast Tribes have strength, the Elves have agility and archery, the Demons have their magic, the Sea Tribe are mysterious, and the Bird Tribe, haha, well I think they're too peaceful to even be a threat"

Avrin had at least gotten insight, but he replied "Humanity has a balance of things, but not really good in anything specific like the other tribes. I suppose the Sea Tribe could be said to be the true rulers of the sea, and have that as an advantage, but Humanity, what I think you're implying, has sheer numbers"

Gregson nodded "There are many Humans. We have survived great wars and the wrath of the other tribes, as well as a Dragon destroying our capital city. We rose from the ashes, stronger, and more intelligent than before. Humanity's greatest strength is our courage and numbers as well as we stick together."

Avrin had to admit Humanity here sounded like a lot like what he knew. Whichever god created them had done a nearly identical job to the god he knew. Gregson continued on.

"Avrin, you must know that although you might be an Enigma level user, there are people who show promising talent and would kill to get up the ladder..After several assassination attempts by my rivals, I'm still standing today with scars as my medal of survival"

Avrin nodded and smiled. "I guess your will to live must really be strong" Gregson, folding his arms, spoke "I have a family, how could I leave them behind so early in my life? Haha"

Several hours passed with them both discussing things about Seleria as well as the other races. Avrin had also learned that Larissa's group had managed to make it into a branch academy of Gaia. They were all accepted thanks to her being an Enigma user. Although Avrin was more interested in current matters.

It turns out that near the capital, with humanity's increase in stature, came territorial disputes. The king couldn't completely shut off with one empire, which King Leo Zircus had rule over.

(A.N yes i know it should be emperor but there's a reason why he is titled that which i dont want to spoil) That being said, this empire had many, many large kingdoms inside of it, and these kingdoms had clans of their own. They each needed to support their own people while paying taxes to the empire as well as tribute to the King.

With many kingdoms came disputes of land as well as heritage and territorial rights. The King couldn't keep with so many issues and he set a decree. Kingdoms within his empire were allowed to wage war with each other with only a few restrictions.

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