AUTHOR || Your Questions, My Answers

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Here are some of the Questions you wanted to know the answers to:

Some key information about me:

Name: Elina

Age: 17 (6th May 2002)

Sexuality: Something, 80% sure I'm Bi.

Nationality: Latvian, but live in the UK

Roadtrip related:

When did you become a Roadie and How?

I officially became a roadie on the 24th September 2018, but a few months before, I found their cover of Wolves by Selena Gomez. Then later on I had found it again and started to watch all their stuff. For the first three days, all I had done was watch every single vlog and cover.

What are the boys to You?

I'm not really sure what this means but from what I think it does, they are five boys with a dream that I so happened to be in the same time as them. I wouldn't call them idols, just people I enjoy watching.

Have you ever met the boys?

No. Kinda wish I could but I'm broke.

Who's lane are you in?

It was Jack, I mean it still is. But from Roadtrip it's Brook.

My order is Brook, Sonny, Andy, Rye and then Harper.

What's your favorite quote from them?

It has always been, and I don't know why.

"You're not Stormzy kitty" - Mikey

"I want to be Stormzy Michael." - Rye

I'm not really sure its a quote but its my favorite Rykey moment.

How do you feel about the boys changing a lot? Do you ever just want the old Roadtrip back?

So, I'm the type of person to dislike change, but on numerous occasions Andy had said that we should trust them and I do. I am not a part of their group or life so they can do what the want. There are changes in which I hate but if they believe that it'll help them grow then so be it. But there will be a point where that change may not help them.

And about having the old Roadtrip back, somewhat I do want the old them back. For example, and I don't know why but I really liked their old vlogs. No offence to Robbie but I really liked how they vlogged themselves and used a go-pro. But I think they're at a really good place right now, even though I don't think Harper really fits in, but soon I'll probably change my mind.

Overall, it's not my place to want the old them, they're fine now. I believe in them.

And now, for the big Question, Will you write a second book?

So before I answer, I will continue to follow the boys and support them. However, I will be taking a short break from writing about them, probably about a month or so. I love writing stories about them, their personalities fit so perfectly with storylines, but I really need to figure out if I want to continue doing so. I am 70% sure I want to continue but I need to be a hundred.

If I decide to not continue, then I most likely won't be continuing with writing fan fiction. I don't really like anyone that much to write stuff about them. So, it will be most likely just normal fiction. I have a short stories book (called 'Justine') and I am thinking about doing a full on book.

But if I do decide to continue then the second book would probably be shorter but more taken care of. Meaning I will take more time, ensuring that the story is perfect. As most of the time I Write when I'm half awake and miss out mistakes.

So, if you enjoy what I write, then feel free to follow me or read any of my other books to be updated on what I do.


Instagram: ms_roadie

Twitter: Either Mss_V_ or DreamlikeTink

Wattpad: elinux14

Hope you understand and that this has cleared some things up.

Thank you for asking me questions, I means a lot and get ready for Friday as that's when the very last story will be posted. Not sure what time as I haven't finished it yet.

Lots of love,


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