JACKLYN || Sleep paralysis

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|| Sleep paralysis ||

Many of the facts in this are based from my own experiences and what I've seen on the internet.

Enjoy :)


Definition: a temporary inability to move or speak that occurs when you're waking up or falling asleep. It's not harmful and should pass in a few seconds or minutes, but can be very frightening.

Brook -

I was laying on the bed, back against the mattress and arms to the side of me, I was trying to scream, I was trying to move. But I couldn't, I couldn't do anything, I was literally frozen and my heart was racing. The figure in the room was not helping me either. The only thing that I could move was my eyes, and as they rapidly move the black silhouette just stared at me. I couldn't see him staring, he was all black, like a shadow no features or anything. But I knew he was watching me struggle.

I kept trying to move my arms with all the force I had, but nothing. I literally could not move. I wanted to scream from the top of my lungs, but nothing came out. I felt the figure moving, again I couldn't see but I knew it was moving. I felt a force on my lungs and it started to push me down into the bed. I wanted so badly to move, to get him off of me but I couldn't. I was paralyzed. Then as I was deep into my bed, I felt darkness consuming me...

And I woke up. I still felt frozen, staring into the darkness, trying to slow down my heart rate and my breathing. I stayed there for a few more seconds, trying now to get rid of the paranoid feeling like there was someone in the room. I slowly move my hand forward to reach my lamp and I switch it on. I decide to move my eyes away from the spot I was staring at on the ceiling and move them around the room. And a sigh of relief washing out through my lips, as I see no one there.

I lift myself up on my bed in a sitting position, and I think to myself. I'm never going to fall asleep now. God I hate sleep paralysis. I sigh now in annoyance, I haven't slept well in the last few days, only getting a few hours asleep a night. I lie down trying to fall asleep, but as minutes fly by nothing seems to come over me. I think back to the days when I wasn't able to sleep and try to remember the ways that help me.

Only one thing came to mind and I hesitate to move, thinking of the pros and cons. I was really tired and only having three hours of sleep last night and only half an hour tonight, with that only filled with stupid sleep paralysis. I finally decide to climb out of my bed switching of the light and walking out of my room and across the hallway. I reach my hand on the handle, struggling a bit to see it as it's dark. I open the door slowly and pop my head in, "Jack?"

Jack's head pops up from his phone and pulls a confused face, "Brook? Why are you awake?"

"I having nightmares again, I can't sleep." I say as I step in further into the room. Jack's face softens and he moves to the side, patting the space he left for me to climb in. I close the door and pad my way in and climb in Jack's bed. Jack places his phone on the side and moves closer to me. I snuggle up closer and feel his warmth radiating off him and warming me up, making me sleepy. His hand moves through my hair, lulling me. "Brook, free your mind and listen to my heart." He whispers, I place my ear against his chest, I feel and hear his heart beat in a steady pace.

The soft beats are soothing and it is the last ingredient to make me fall asleep.


I felt something move away from me and I hugged it tighter, not wanting to let go. "I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back." Jack whispers, I reluctantly let go of him and move my hands under my head, falling back into deep sleep.

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