JACKLYN (+ Randy) || The mystery boy

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|| The mystery boy ||

The mystery boy. That's the only thing that anyone is talking about. The rumors in class, the whispers in the halls. He wears tight black skinny jeans and plaid shirts. His hair chocolate brown styled in a quiff or sometimes its just a mess.

"who is he? I mean every single day, he stands by the tree after school. He gets a text and then walks away. He doesn't even go to this school, yet he seems to always be here." Andy said as he walked with his friends Rye and Brooklyn. Rye swung an arm around the smaller boy of the trio, and spoke, "I heard he goes to the school on the other side of town. I spoke to Mikey this morning, he said that his name is Jack something."

"Duff" Brooklyn spoke. Brook was quiet the whole time they spoke about the mystery boy.

"what? how do you know?" Rye asked

"huh? oh... um... I over heard someone talking about him during chemistry." Brooklyn answered the question, although that wasn't the reason he knew. The trio walked out of the school building and spotted jack leaning against the tall tree with his head low. "see he's always there after school finishes." Brooklyn looked over at the guy that was oh so casually standing against the tree with his phone in his hand.

A girl from the cheerleading team walked up to the brunette, plumping up her hair and a sway in her hips. "hey handsome, you wanna go out sometime?" Jack looked up at the blonde and shot a blank look at her. With a simple "no." the blonde didn't go away.

"oh come on, with a body like mine and your mysterious attitude. we'll be a perfect together." Jack chuckled and looked around the court yard. With all eyes on them he spots the trio and winks in their direction. "oh sweetheart, your not my type." Jack says.

"so, what is your type?" she asks sensually. Jack smirks and twirls his finger in her hair as he speaks. "I like curly blonde hair - " hers was straight "- green eyes - " hers were blue "and..." he leans forwards to whisper in her ear "and someone whos packing a seven incher" of course no one heard that, so when her cheeks turned a shade of crimson and she ran away, everyone was confused on what he could of said. He just chuckled, his phone made a noise and he looked down and he walked off with a smile on his face. The trio watch him walk away as they suddenly hear a scream, "HE'S GAY?!!" the sound came from the group of cheerleaders.

Whispers and murmurs spread across the yard, "so, he's gay. another thing on the list that we know about him." Rye said.

"I need to go guys, I'll see you tomorrow?" Brook asked the nodded and they parted ways. Randy going one way and Brooklyn going another.

The next day...

The school day ended and the trio walked out of the rusty old building, todays has been slow for Brooklyn, very slow. Especially, when the guy who has tormentented him for most of his life came back from vacation. so, names and punches were thrown brooklyns way, all through out the day. When they were met with the cold air of November, they were unfortunately met with Andrew dreelan. "so, where you off to fag?" Brooklyn looked away, catching the eye of the mystery boy. Sending a singnal for help. "answer me!" Andrew screamed. He lifted up his hand in a fist - "I wouldn't do that if I were you" Jack voice froze the actions of Andrew.

Andrew turned his face towards jack, and smirked "oh and what are you gonna do about it?". Jack looked over at Brooklyn and whispered "I'm sorry noodles." Jack quickly, with power through his arm he punched Andrew in the nose and tackled him to the ground. He kept punching and striking until he heard Brooklyn whimper. He quickly shot his head to the sound of a sniff and removed himself off of the limp body. "leave now! and never touch my Brooklyn ever again!"

"please Jonky stop" Brook whimpered. Jack wrapped his arms around the smaller boy and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry noodles, I got realy mad when he was about to hit you. I'm sorry you had to see that."

"its ok, just try to not use violence as much." They parted. Jack placed his hands on each side of Brooklyns face, "I can try, you know how I'm with my temper."

"I know. but I love you anyway"

"I love you too" they leaned in together and were about to kiss when there was a cough stopping them.

"So Brook, you want to tell us something?" Rye spoke, Brook and Jack looked over at the chocolate brown haired boy. Brooklyn smiled and looked at Jack, "guys meet my boyfriend, Jack duff. Jack meet Rye and Andy. The guys I told you about."

Jack extended his hand "hey, I'm Jack duff, as Brooklyn said" Rye looked at Jack's hand and hugged him instead. "you were right noodles, he is a hugger." Brooklyn giggled. When they parted Andy spoke up "hey I'm Andy" he placed his hand in front and Jack shook it.

"so, when were you going to tell us brooky that you had a boyfriend?" Andy spoke teasingly.

"well, you know I don't like the attention and as jack was getting a lot of it because he was waiting for me by the tree. I just couldn't tell you guys. And I couldn't risk Andrew finding out" Brooklyn rambled

"ok Brooky, we're not mad at you, just a little upset that you didn't tell us, and we could of helped you with Andrew. I'm mean he taunts us, especially as me and Fovvs are together" Rye spoke.

"I know I was just scared"

"ok we understand. now can we go to your house and pesker Jack about your relationship"

Brooklyn and Jack laughed and then Randy joined in. The four boys then moved towards Jacks car and drove to brooks house.

"How did you guys meet?" Brooklyn smiled at the memory,

"thats a funny but cute story" brook giggled. "remember when I was supposed to fly out to Paris, for that music course..." Randy nodded "well, I never got onto the plane, because I forgot my passport" they laughed. "sounds like you" Andy said between giggles.

"yeah, Noodles here got so mad that he almost killed me with his backpack. one minute I was just dropping of a friend and then the next a bag flew across my face"

"I was so embarrassed and sorry that I insisted that I make it up to him"

"I said it was fine but he kept insisting. so, because I was hungry at the moment. we had a meal together.and as I got to know him and I started to fall in love."

"turns out he goes to the school thirty minutes away, so it was perfect."

"aw, guys you're so cute. of course not as cute as us but still cute" Rye said, whilst wrapping his arm around Andy and hugged him sideways.

"Rye its not a competition" Andy spoke. Rye looked at the olderof the two and pulled a stern look.

"yes it is Fovvs. and if you don't think so, then maybe we shoudn't be together." Rye looked away innocently.

"no! please rye I loooove you. don't leave me." rye ignored him, but a smile was trying to make its way onto his lips. Brooklyn and Jack watched the two whilst smiling.

"fine. I guess I'm single now. Jack do you know-"

"don't you dare finish that sentence. you are mine Andy" Rye tugged Andy into his embrace protecting him from anyone getting him. "you are all mine and dont you ever forget that"

Andy looked up and smiled, "I wont" Andy said as he placed his lips aginst Ryes.

"ok guys you win. you are the cutest out of us" they all laugh and the night plays out. a few hours later, with laughs and cuddles. Randy left brooklyns house and that left Brooklyn and Jack in his room cuddling on his bed.

"they are... something."

"yes they are but I love them. They are like my second brothers. That are in love with eachother." Brooklyn jokingly cringed. Jack chuckled, "but we are definetly cuter than them." Brooklyn raised his head from Jacks chest and looked up at him. With a smile on his lips, "I'm glad that I forgot my passport" Brooklyn said. Jack looked down into those green eyes that he adored so much and whispered "me too" with a gentle kiss between them they went back to cuddling and fell asleep not long after.

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