BRONNY || Three Days *2/3*

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|| Three Days ||

Make sure you've read the first one!


Day two...

"It can happen at any moment, whether it be when he's doing activity or just standing in the middle of the room. He will start breaking down." Jack explained the second day to Harper. This was his emotional day, this is when he can either cry his eyes out or smash everything in his sight. You can never judge with Brook's outbursts.

"Which means somebody has to be with him all day."

Jack and Harper were sat in the living room, sipping on their coffee and tea, when Brooklyn walked in with a really bad case of bed hair. Making him look adorable. "Morning guys, I had the best dream last night." He exclaimed, sighing in content. Jack took a mental note that he had a happy mood. So maybe, it won't be a bad day as it has been before. (Oh How He was wrong.)

"Yeah, What was it about?" Harper asked with a grin, seeing his friend in a better mood than he was yesterday.

"I dreamt I was at Thorpe park with my future kids and every time they saw a big ride there would be a huge bright smile in their faces. It was so sweet and adorable." Brooklyn has a little glow around him as he spoke, making Jack a little suspicious but he was happy Brook felt better.

"Umm, as you seem in a good-ish mood, we have studio today and are you ok with doing a day in the life?" Brook smiled and nodded happily. "Ok, I'll text Robbie to come over and you can do that."

"No it's fine, I can go to the house, I need to grab some stuff."

"Oh I got a bag for you full of your things, you can't go to the house yet." Jack warned. Brook frowned slightly but shrugged. "But what about studio?"

"You're not going to the house until you've had your breakthrough, Andy will have to just deal with it." Jack sternly spoke. Brook sighed and looked down whilst nodding his head. "Well I'm starving. Do you have anything in your fridge, Harper?" Brook spoke out as he stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I think so." Brook smiled happily and opened the fridge looking over all his options.


The day went on like any normal day had gone. Robbie came over to film for Brook's day in a life and they started to walk around London making fools of themselves. Jack had kept a close eye on his friend, especially as they were in public. He didn't want something bad to happen that could disrupt other people's lives.

And as they walked, Jack not really paying attention to where they were going and Brooklyn concentrating on the camera and Robbie, they had accidentally walked towards Nando's.

Brook had caught a glimpse of the red, glowing sign in the corner of his eyes, and he stopped as his chest tightened. His breathing got more quicker, and unconsciously he started to cry, not being able to tear his eyes away from the spot he saw Sonny the other day. Memories flooding back to the front of his mind.

Brook's legs started to buckle and Jack quickly, forgetting that Robbie was there, grabbed onto Brook and pulled him towards an empty alleyway, away from the public. He pushed Brooklyn against the brick wall and cupped his cheeks to make him look into his eyes. "Let it out, you're away from everyone."

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