JACKLYN || Falling Apart *2*

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|| Falling Apart 2 || NINE

Make sure you've read part one first.


Brook -

The first few days were hard, it was difficult to understand that Jack wasn't going to live with us anymore. We didn't have the delicious smell of his cooking in the evening. We didn't have the low hum of his music from his room whenever we walked past. And we definitely didn't have his random outbursts of laughter through videos and hang outs.

It was weird and I felt uncomfortable, me and Jack had promised to meet up at least once a week to keep in touch. To make sure we didn't fall apart, both are were scared of it happening. But deep down I knew. I knew it was going to happen. I could feel it, like it was a drug, my brain addicted to the thought.

I sat in his room, looking over at all the empty furniture. I look at his empty wardrobe, I had taken one of his hoodies. He saw it somewhere on Instagram and texted me, asking me for it back. But I lied, I lied and said that I bought a new one and it was just a coincidence. But it was his. I just couldn't give it back. Knowing it was the only thing that reminded me off him.

I was huddled in the corner of the cold bed and I just sat there drowning in my thoughts. His hoodie over my body and his scent was fading away from it but there was still enough to make me feel like he was still there.

I chuckle coldly as a thought runs through my head, 'it's like he's died or something, but in true fact he's just a forty minute drive away from us.'

I brush my thumb over the tattoo I got to remind me of him. I miss Jack. But it's alright because I'm meeting him tomorrow.


Jack -

I stare at the ceiling deep in thought, one of my arms were behind my head and the other on my bare stomach. I was laying on a bed, with Kirsty right next to me. But she wasn't the one that was clouding my mind. Brook was.

Why couldn't I get my best friend out of my head, when I had my girlfriend right next to me. I was so confused. But the last day that I left the house was playing through my head.

Brook looked so broken. He tried to keep his face neutral but I saw right through it. We hugged the longest. I felt Brook's arms tighten whenever I tried to move. I could tell he really didn't want me to leave but I had to and deep down he knew that. But I stayed as long as he needed me to.

Once we did fall apart he looked up at me and smiled with teary eyes. "See ya later, yeah?" I said. He nods, and we give each other a short hug before he left to go upstairs. He had told me last night in the garden that he didn't want to see me go. I understood and we said instead of saying 'goodbye', we would say 'see ya later'.

It was better that way, it was to say that we would meet up and we would, tomorrow. A part of me was slightly scared but mostly I was excited. I hadn't seen him in a few days and the part of my heart that was controlled by Brooklyn was dying inside.

I never knew this was going be so hard, but you know what I'll see the positive and not the negative. I smile at the thought of seeing his gorgeous face, I get comfortable in the bed as I face Kirsty. She's so beautiful, but as I think that, a image falls into my mind.


"You're eyes are so beautiful." I whisper as I stare into Brook's eyes. The midnight moon shining onto him, illuminating only his eyes as we lay on the bed facing each other. I saw his cheeks tint with a small blush and I smile.

I lift my hand up to trace his face, starting at his eyebrows, my finger lightly touches the hairs. My hand moves down to his cheekbones and then to his lips.Tracing the shape I feel Brook hitch his breath. I almost stop but I then move my hand to cup his cheek. Looking into his eyes I start to lean in.

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