JACKLYN || Impossible

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|| Impossible || AU

I'm going to try to write as much as I can this week. Afterwards it'll be slow, maybe once a week or more . we'll see.

Jack -

Standing in the ring, I stare at my opponent, with heavy breathes leaving and entering through my lips. The thumping sound of my heart is blasting through my ears as I try to concentrate on what my trainer is trying to shout out at me. This is the last round, so far its a draw, well that's what I see anyway. And I am disappointed to admit that it is a draw.

This will determine the champion of the boxing world. I am good, I would happily admit that, although he did get a few punches to my face. One to my right eye, which has a purple swollen lump around it. One to the lip, which was oozing with blood but now is dried out. And the last one he was able to get is to my side, and now that I think about it, I might of heard a crack, so one of my ribs is definitely broken.

The crowd was large, beading little eyes watching our every move. Clapping and cheering for their bet. But slowly as the match went on I had just drowned them out, They were a distraction in the first two rounds. So I just focused on the man across from me. His bloodied up face, that anyone that isn't used to seeing blood, would cringe in disgust. The crimson red pouring down his nose and down his bushy eyebrows was seen as I stared at him in hatred. He has always beaten me, every time we had ended up in the final match he would win. And I'm scared, as now everything is on the line.

The bell rung and the crowd went silent, the only thing heard was the heavy beating of my heart as the final round had started. I slowly lift myself up from the tiny stool and rise my fist into balls, guarding my face from his shots. We circle each other for a few seconds, watching each others moves closely. Slowly but surely I had learned his tricks and steps. Before he punches his left foot moves slightly forward. So, I watch his feet in the corners of my eyes.

He advances and I duck his left hook, then swivel to the right to dodge his right jab. I send a right hook to his face and a left hook to his ribs. I step back as he doubles over slightly. But he quickly recovers and guards himself. I watch as he grunts slightly from the small move he makes to retreat back. He's in pain good, it'll be easier, well that's what I thought anyway.

In a blink of an eye he advances towards me, and I end up somehow onto the floor, punch on punch every blow hits me straight in the face, I felt pain shooting through every bit of me and I try to cover myself but it seems like I cant, and before I know it my arms slowly start to go limp, he jumps of me as the ref shouts for him to and the countdown starts to play through my ears,


I cant feel anything,


I want to get up but I cant,




"Please get up..."


"Please, I love you..."


I slowly move myself onto my stomach, "come on Jacky, please"


Moving my hands to the floor I slowly rise "Yes, come on a few more steps"


Placing my feet against the ground, I use the ropes to lift myself up,


My eyes lock onto the emerald green, his face so beautiful and proud, he mouths "fight! for me"


And I'm up. I spin round and wipe the blood from my face, all I see red and I swing forward, with all the power that I have left in me, I swing my hand round and hit him in the side of the face, knocking him out completely with a splatter of blood flying through his lips. His body became limp and dropped to the floor. So the countdown begins again, I watch the body lay there, covered in crimson. My own body was hunched over to the side slightly. As it reaches to the smaller numbers, there is no movement from my opponent. The last three numbers are screamed and nothing.

I huff out a breath as cheers from the crowd are screamed, I look around slowly my eyes glazing over slightly, and my eyes land on those green again, he has a huge eye blinding smile upon his features, he claps with everyone around him, and he nods his head in proudness. A smile slowly grows against my lips as my arm is raised, all my weight going onto my right foot as I'm slightly lifted from the risen arm. He drops it and I accept the belt that I have been working for the past three years.

My trainer comes running to me almost knocking me out from the hug that he gave me. "Well done Jack, you did it. You finally did it, you won." He exclaimed as his smile was ever so huge. Now he's one happy chap.

Time had past and now I am situated in the room were I change. I stare at myself in the mirror covered in bruises and cuts. I was stitched up by the nurse and now I am alone in the changing room trying to get dressed without breaking another rib. There was a knock on the door and a voice, "Jonky can I come in?" it was Brooklyn and a smile immediately washed over my lips. "Come in brook" I turn in my seat and look over to the door as it opens to reveal the handsome man that I love.

"Hey Jonky, how ya feeling?" he's cautious with his movements as he walks towards me. I try to stand up but I wince in pain as I do so. Brooklyn quickly moved over to me and placed his hands over me to make me stable enough to stand, "maybe you should rest, you had a pretty rough night" I chuckle slightly at his use of words.

"That's what you said last week when we switched roles" I smirked at him, he looked over at me rolling his eyes slightly, "come on you, lets move over to the sofa, it'll be more comfortable for you." he guided me over to the worn out sofa in the corner of the room. I slowly sat myself down onto the stained cushion and sigh in content at the less hard surface of the chair. I look over to Brook and shoot him a smile, "so, how do you know I was here?" I ask because I had told no one where I was.

"Well.. I kind of followed you here. But then I lost you in the crowd before your match. I wanted to talk to you but again I lost you. But Jack, when I saw you up there, well I was angry because you didn't tell me about it all," I gave him a weak slash shy smile "but I was also very shocked at your ability, well until you were almost unconscious." He gave off a nervous chuckle. I sigh, and looked down at my hands, they were covered with dry blood and old scars.

"What you said Brooklyn, did you mean it?" I ask still training my eyes on my hands. Another pair moved into my vision and grabbed my bloodied up knuckles, "Look at me Jack," Brook whispered. I move my vision towards his face, and he had soft features against him. "I love you Jack, even if you went on a suicide mission." he smiled. I stared into his emeralds, seeing only love and adoration. A genuine smile is created against my beaten up lips. "Well Brooklyn Avraam Gibson Wyatt, I love you too." He chuckles whilst shaking his head.

"Jack Daniel Duff, can you do the honours of being my boyfriend?"

"Yes, I will"

Brooklyn cupped his hand by his mouth as spoke lowly "You may now kiss the bride" I laughed but shoot a hand to my chest "why do I have to be the wife, you be the wife" I say in a jokingly offended way. "Just kiss me you idiot" I leaned forward, moving through the pain that was going through my torso, I place my lips against his and he moves closer so its easier for me. We move in sync as every emotion is dancing between us. Sparks fly when we kiss, him being the one that I have loved since I was a kid. Even if I only met him three years ago, I was destined to be with him.

I know it sounds cringe but that's what I feel like is happening right now, through everything that has happened between us he has still stayed even when my sister didn't. He stayed and I love him for that.

We part ways and I lay my head against his, keeping my eyes closed I take in the serenity of this moment. "I love you so much" I whispered.

"I love you more"



Requests are STILL open, you lot. All you have to do is think of an idea and message me. :)


ROADTRIP || ships and shit (oneshots)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz