ROADTRIP || Camping in the studio

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|| camping in the studio ||

The night begins when the owls come out to watch over the quiet land of London. The streets silent with only a few cars driving through to reach their own destinations.

We move into the studio where six boys get ready for a sleep over. They had decided that for a vlog it would be a good idea to camp out at their studio, where they had rehearsed most of their covers and originals.

Four boys by the covered mirrors, Andy, Harvey, Rye and Mikey setting up their beds.  Where as the other two Brook and Jack are running around trying to tag each other.

"Guys! Please can you stop running round and get your stuff set up?!" Andy said annoyed at the two children of the band. They both hung their heads down low and started to move to their spots.

Rye bringing out the vlogging camera, he starts "hey guys, so we had decided that it would be cute little idea to have a sleepover type thing." Moving the camera to show the room. Showing the boys as they walked around the room.

"Here we have my bed, Harvey's next to me and then Mikey's in the other side" he shows each bed as Andy moves over to Harvey "oh and Andy on this side too, then moving over here we have Brook and Jack's sleeping area" showing the two boys sitting against the wall on their phones, calmed down from their game of tag.

"So, yeah the idea is that we would sit in this cute little circle and have a camping area" Andy piped his head up and quickly shouted "we got these candles for the fire" he ran to the side and showed the camera candles with the letters R and T "we have R and T for Roadtrip" he smiled

"And a H for Harvey, but there wasn't any" Harvey said jokingly upset.

Rye walking back to his sleeping area he sat down and placed the camera next to him. Watching everyone doing their own thing, he smiled as he thought about how they had come so far. From him and Andy being the only two to a five piece band and Harvey be the famous singer he is today.

It's amazing how much things have change, if you let them to. He never pictured that he would come this far and still be going.

"Hey you okay?" Harvey said next to him, stopping his train of thought. Looking to his side, he smiled and said "everything is amazing, I'm just thinking about how far we have come" he sighed still happy. Harvey had a smile forming on his lips as he looked around the room.

"Yeah, I can't believe it, it seems so surreal but it's amazing"

The night went on with the boys playing "never have I ever" whilst vlogging it. The boys listening to music as the room was dark with the only source of light coming from the candles and the boys technology. "Hey guys, what if we sang around the campfire?" Brooklyn's voice rang through the room.

"That's not a bad idea, I can grab my guitar and we can sing some songs" Andy's voice speaking now. A hum of "yeah's" and "that's sounds fun" was heard from each member and they all surrounded the little table with RT placed on top.

"Hi guys now we are going to be singing around the campfire, with Andy on the guitar." Rye said to the camera and showed the boys sitting a circle.

Andy started to play the guitar in a soothing manner, as they tried to think of a song to sing. "Hallelujah?" Mikey suggested.

"Yes! That one" Jack shouted and the boys chuckled at the younger boy's excitement.

As the sweet melody of the guitar stated to play the opening chords of hallelujah, Harvey switched the camera on and started to record. Rye started to sing the opening lines as the camera was moving round to each boy. Brooklyn smiling up at Andy as he played, then to Rye as his voice brought all the boys together into the song. Each boy around the light having a smile on their faces, enjoying every moment of them together.

Harvey then moving the camera over to jack as he they all sing in harmony, letting out all of their stresses and worries they have faced free and just enjoying the moment they have with everyone. With each second of the song, the bond between the boys becomes stronger and nothing could break that.

Everyone was looking around each other with a smile on their faces, love and happiness oozing into the atmosphere.


I watch as everyone sung their parts of the song, I love these moments when it's just us, no worries, as much as I love my job. It does sometimes get very stressful. So having the boys around me and Harvey not on tour, just makes me so happy.

I look over at Andy with his guitar, I remember the day when we posted our first cover. It was just me and him back then, I love the boys with all my heart but I do miss those days, when it was just me and him. Singing and enjoying the acoustics of the hallway outside the apartment door.

He looks up at me a smiles, with so much love roaming around in his ocean blue eyes, I smile back and close my eyes, soaking everything up.


I love this. Being with my closest friends, doing what we love. I look round at all of the boys, my eyes landing on Jack, with the camera in his hand pointing it at each person. I place my hand on top of his free one and squeeze ever so slightly.

He looked over at me and smiled interlocking our fingers. Running his thumb over my finger. A smile still playing on my lips as we sing.


As the song was coming to an end, Andy stopping his guitar, they all sang the last note, with so much power, happiness and love flowing through their voices. The song finishes as the camera is slowly moving into the sight of the candles.

"So anyone want a cup of tea?" Mikey asks the group out of no where. With a chuckle coming from everyone the night ending with the six boys saying goodnight.

"Night guys" - Brooklyn

"Goodnight" - Jack

"Night" - Mikey

"night" - Harvey

"good night" - Andy

"I love you guys, goodnight" - Rye.

With a hoot from the owl who watched the quiet streets of London, he flew away into the distance, creating a silhouette to form in front of the moon that shown so bright.

Sleep tight boys.

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