JACK || I don't want him to move in

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|| I don't want him to move in ||

Jack only Imagine thing.

This Is set in the old apartment, because... it'll make sense just read. Please and thank you.

I'm cuddled up to Jack as we watch Netflix, I can slowly feel myself drift into a state of mind in which I don't want to be in right now but I cant seem to stop it. I move my arms around Jack torso slowly squeezing slightly, he looks down at me slightly and smiles. "You ok Silver?" I pout slightly and shake my head, looking into his light greens. I wish I could control these episodes, but I know its for the best.

He looks into my eyes, realization slowly washed over him and he started to move over to the other side of the room. I whined slightly at the loss of touch and he gave me a reassuring smile. I watched as he went through the drawer and brought out the things that would calm me. Walking back to the bed he extends his hands placing the blanket over me and my stuff toy that I call Mr. sniffles. I hug him tightly and pout, Mr Sniffles isn't enough, I extend my own arms and make grabby hands at Jack. Jack chuckles slightly and climbs back in next to me. I instantly snuggle myself into him and sigh, with my toy monkey between us, he turns the movie off and puts some more PG videos on.

There was a knock on the door and I hide myself into Jacks neck, he squeezes me slightly. "Come in." he says and I can't see who it is but I can only assume. "What's up Deaton?" I was right in who it was. Deaton is my room mate. "Um.. I need Silver for something?" he slowly says. I move my head into Jacks neck even more, feeling the cologne he wore slowly waff into my nose. "Is it important, or can it wait until later?" he asks. There was a momentary silence before Deaton spoke up again. "Its important."

"Ok, well she'll be out there in a moment."


I slowly move away from Jack's neck and look over at him, in a childish manor I pout. "I don't wanna go." He gives me a sad smile and speaks,

"I know baby, but it seems like its important. You cant let your roomie down. Now, are you going to be a big girl for me?" he stares at me in hope. I huff.

"Okaaay," I say dragging out the A "but Mr. sniffles comes with me." I say in a matter of fact. A smile washes over his face, "of course, wont have it any other way." I nod and I jump out of the bed hand in hand with Mr Sniffles. I wait until Jack had walked round the bed and bent in front of me facing the door. I wrap my arms around his neck, he lifts me up in a piggy back and we walk out of my room. Walking down the corridor and into the living room. I hum on the journey there, when we reach the large room he places me down on the sofa and sits next to me.

I place my monkey on my lap and hug him, and I wait until something happens. Swaying side to side slightly as I see Deaton, walking into the room. I look over to Jack and he gives me a reassuring smile, I look back over to Deaton seeing him sit on the arm chair. He looks worried, "what's wrong dee?" I ask. He looks at me staring at me intently, his eyes lower to my toy, he shakes his head slightly and speaks up. "I was wandering if we could get another roommate?" I slightly lit up at the question and I ask who they would be. "Um well... please don't get mad at me... but.. its Jeremy." I frown.

I felt a hand against my back, "I don't want Jewemy to live here. He mean." I state, I look at Jack. "I don't want him to live here Jackie. He vewy mean." I shake my head and pout even harder.

"Baby, remember what I said. You need to be a big girl" I sigh and turn back to Deaton.

"Why Jeremy?" I ask. He looks at me for a second but still continues,

"Uh.. well, money is slow for me right now and he is looking for a place to live, so I thought we would kill two birds with one stone" I huff and look down. I shake my head and rise from my spot "no!" I storm out of the apartment. With Mr. Sniffles in my hand I run upstairs to Jacks apartment. I knock and knock until the door opens, "Silver! What are you doing here?" Brook excitingly says. I pout, I hug my toy and stare up at the curly haired boy, "My roomie is being mean, and Jack wont help me" I whine. Brook smiles at me fondly and lets me in.

I slowly walk in and head to the Jacklyn room. I sit down on Jacks bed cross legged and hug Mr. Sniffles. Brook walks in with a smile and sits down across from me on his bed. "So what happened?" he asked. "Dee want Jewemy to live with us!"

"And I'm guessing you don't want him to?" I stick my bottom lip out and say a stern "no." Brooklyn looked down with a thoughtful look, he looked back up at me with confused look, "Where's Jack?"

"I don't know, I think he is still downstairs." Brooklyn came next to me and sat down. "Brooky, don't make Jewemy wive with us." I look up at him hopefully, with tears brimming my eyes,

"Oh, Silvie. You don't have to let him live with you if you don't want to." I stare at him for a second and a small smile comes onto my face. "There's that smile. Now, do you want anything to make you feel better?" I bounce slightly on Jack's bed.

"I want Jacky, where's Jacky, Brooky?" I say.

"I'm here baby." I look up quickly and jump from Jacks bed wrapping my arms around his neck, hugging Jack tightly. I heard Brook say that he was going to leave us alone, so I unwrap myself from Jack. "Thank you Brooky, for making me feel better"

"Anytime Silvie" he places his hand on top of my head and messes up my hair, I scrunch up my face and he chuckles, he walks out of the room. "Come on, Silver lets go take a nap" Jack softly says as he moves to the bed. I follow him, to his soft sheets and lay down next to him. I place my head against his chest and sigh. "How's Deaton?" I ask, feeling the little mind slip away slowly.

"He's confused on why you acted that way, but he said when you are ready you'll guys can talk"

"Ok, I'm sorry I ran out like that. I promised I would be a big girl and I broke that."

"Silver its ok, I know sometimes you cant control it."

"Even so, I'm sorry and I'll make sure that I apologize later to Deaton." I look up at him, and he smiled. "I love you Silver, I don't know what I would do without you."

"I love you too Jacky, and same goes your way. I literally don't know were I would be without you" Jack leans down and kisses my lips, I smile into the kiss and move away, "I love you so much,"

"to the moon and back." he continues. I lay back down and slowly feel myself drifting into deep sleep.

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