JACKLYN || Safe place *2*

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|| Safe place ||

The other side of the story -

Brooklyn was one of the quiet ones at school. No he wasn't a nerd nor was he a loner. He was well known but not one of the popular people who think that having stacks of cash, automatically puts them on the throne of the school. Brooklyn was a class clown, but in more of a subtly way, when there was an opportunity to make a joke, he would take it and not over do it. He was one of the normal ones. There was only one who knew about the friendship of Jack Duff and Brooklyn Wyatt.

Brooklyn woke up this morning feeling all groggy as he spent a lot of time talking to a certain brunette during the night. He wiped away the tiredness from his eyes and stretched himself in his bed. Sighing he reaches his hand out to find his phone and as he finds it he smiles at the text that he received, "morning, B xx" it was a simple greeting yet it filled Brooklyn full of warmth and happiness. As cheesy as that sounds, Brook replies and put his phone back down to get changed into his retro clothing.

He goes to his personal bathroom, doing the necessary procedures to look decent enough. He didn't care really, he would go in pyjamas if he wanted to but, then that would be unhygienic. Sleeping in pjs then living in them, it just doesn't seem right. Plus he likes wearing the clothing that he has carefully picked out the night before. With the help of the badboy as well, even though Jack had numerously said that Brooklyn would look good in anything.

He grabs all his supplies for school, and his phone on the way out of his room. Down to the kitchen he turns his phone on and sees another text, "do you need a lift today?" Brooklyn thinks for a second before walking into the kitchen seeing his mum and best friend talking. "no, Andy's here." Jack replies with a simple ok and Brooklyn shoves his phone in his left back pocket, of his jeans.

He plops his bag down on the counter, this causing both Andy and his mother to jump slightly at the sudden movement. Brooklyn moves to the fridge and looks through it, nothing. Travelling over to the cabinet and grabbing a cereal bar, his mother speaks up, "morning Brook, how'd you sleep?" Brooklyn looking over to his blonde mother, he shrugs. Not knowing how to answer her, as he doesn't want to tell her that he spent only three out of the eight hours actually asleep.

"You ready Brook?" Andy asks, Brooklyn nods grabbing his bag and kissing his mother on the cheek as a goodbye. They head outside to Andy's car.


School hadn't been eventful, he did the work and made a few people laugh. But walking down the hall way he nods his head in a greeting as he passes Jack. The tall boy was simply leaning against the lockers, and a small smile that was hardly seen by others was on his lips, of when he sees his blonde friend. Brooklyn wished he could just forget about social cliques at the school and just talk to him, but he would loose all respect from his fellow students. He built so many different relationships with each of the different people, that he did not want to loose those connections to a labelled boy. Even if he loved him very much.

Brooklyn didn't really understand why Jack was labelled as the badboy or the loner, he seemed like a kind and genuine guy. Well, in brooklyns eyes anyway. I guess it was the fact that the students of his school were surrounded by many different bad influences that they were brainwashed into doing such horrible things. But he cant really talk he has ignored Jack before, just because of that bad influence.

It was now the time in wich they eat, him and Andy simply eating and chatting about random things when Andy had asked Brooklyn an important question.

"How did you become friends with Jack anyway?"

Brooklyn thought back and smiled,


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