ROADTRIP || I guess its a little weird

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|| I guess it's a little weird || AU


Mikey -

I have a secret. That none of the boys know about. I wish I could tell them but I cant.

This may be stupid and you might not believe me but I have the ability to read minds. My powers hadn't come until four years ago, when I turned 18 but I only got control of it two years ago. It took me a while to control the ability to read minds. I barely use them really, I don't really have a reason to read anyone's mind. I know its quite pointless. Why would I have these powers and not use them. But seriously though I don't use them that much, I do once in a while, whenever I'm out and about and I'm bored I read a pass byer's or the shop keepers.

There are some really funny times where I would move on to a person and they are thinking about something really random, but then there are times in which I was reading someone's mind and the were think of something really disgusting. A shiver runs down my spine just thinking about what I experienced last time. not worth repeating.

So yeah that is my secret... oh and before we continue. No, I haven't read the others minds. I felt like it was too invasive and unnecessary to do so, as they were always so open with me anyway. I didn't feel comfortable reading their minds.

Anyway, I was sitting in the kitchen, munching away on my cereal. Minding my own business, when Rye walked in through the door, with a sad look upon his face, "what's up Ryan?" I ask looking straight at him telling him that I'm here to listen. He looks up at me from the floor, and gives me a small weak smile, "nothing's up, just tired. Only got three hours in last night."

"Why's that?"

"Oh, I couldn't sleep for some reason. Must of not been as tired as I thought." He gave off a breathy chuckle. I give a reassuring smile and continue eating my cereal. I don't believe him but I'm sure he'll tell me eventually. Rye's doing this thing were he's opening up more, and not building it up inside like he used to back in the day. So, hopefully he tells me. He walks over to the sink and fills up the kettle, and starts making his morning tea. The next person to walk in is Alex and then Robbie following just behind. "Morning my fellow roommates," Alex exclaimed.

"You're chipper today" I said with a smile against my lips.

"Yes, I had an amazing sleep. I dreamt I wasn't living with you guys and with little mix. It was just fantastic." I laugh at his enthusiasm. Robbie slowly walks over to the fish tank table and sits down with a slight smile on his own face. Hmm strange usually he's half asleep in the mornings. Oh well, its probably an off day.

Later that day I was laying around in the living area with Biscuit, and for the first time ever, and I cant believe I have never thought of this but can I read animal minds too? Okay, I sit up and look at biscuit, I then scout the room in order to see if anyone is watching. I'm alone, I look back at the chocolate Labrador, and stare at him. He looks back into my eyes, confused to why I stopped playing with him. I start to work my magic, I stare reading his eyes, and a faint voice plays in my ears. Its low and smooth, but I can get out a few words. "why is he staring at me? can he play with me already?" His head moves to the side. "of course Bisc I'll play" I ruffle his head with my hand. He stands up and spins round on himself, wagging his tail side to side.

So, that settles that I can also read animal minds, or maybe I just imagined it but oh well, at least he's happy. I can hear another faint voice playing inside my ears and this time I don't think its Biscuit. I look round the room it's still empty, so I stand up and start heading to the door, I opened it and looked down the corridor, no one. But the voice has definitely become louder. I stand there listening to it.

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