JACKLYN || Interupted for food

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|| Interrupted for food || AU

Short and simple.


Jack -

Waking up this morning, I frown in confusion as I feel an empty bed next to me. Usually I would have my gorgeous boyfriend next to me but he's not here. I turn to the side to grab my phone, seeing if he went out and sent a text.

When I see nothing I frown even more, he usually texts me if he's going somewhere. I place my phone down and lay in the middle of the bed, and look at my door. It was slightly ajar, with no noise coming through, I do start smelling something very delicious though. It was sweet and mouth watering.

Forcing myself out of my warm, comfortable bed I grab some sweats and pull them over my legs. Leaving my top bare I slowly open the door and pop my head out into the hallway. Walking against the cold floor boards, I walk across the corridor and into the living room. And as the kitchen was linked with the living room, I was able to see an amazing sight.

I softly smile as I watch Brook, swinging his hips side to side to whatever music he was listening to. He had earphones plugged in and placed in my my over sized hoodie, that went over his thighs. The sleeves were just covering his hands. He wasn't wearing anything but boxers underneath. He was cooking some pancakes, as I stood closer to the room.

Quietly sitting down at the counter, I prop my head up on my hand and watch Brooklyn dance and softly hum at the music.

I watch as his hips moved sensually and his head bopped to the rhythm. It was an amazing sight to see, he looks so carefree and happy in his little bubble.

He hadn't seen me yet and it was perfect, usually he would be a little shy when dancing in front of me. In these types of moments when Brook is stuck in his own little world, makes me realise how much I truly love the boy. He can be so confident and lively, but yet still have his moments of shyness to him. A perfect combination of the perfect boy. Because either way he is the most adorable and sexiest man alive.

He spins round with the pan that had a ready cooked pancake and flipped it onto the plate full of other pancakes. His face lifted up slowly to meet mine and he slightly jumped at my presence. He took on earbud out and placed his hand on his chest, "gosh Jack you scared the shit out of me." I smiled and pushed myself off the stool.

Walking over to him, never breaking eye contact, I turn the stove off and grab the dangling earphone. He watched my every move as I place the earphone in my ear, "dance with me?" I whispered down to him.

He softly smiled, nodding and placing his hands softly around my neck as I place my own  hands on his hips. We step closer to each other and our faces are only an inch apart. We start swaying back and forth to the song playing through our ear. The movement was contradictory as the song was an up beat one but our dance was slow.

I stared down into his emerald green eyes and know I could stare into them all day and never get bored of them. They would change shades depending on his mood and I would always be captivated by them each time. His full eyelashes had touched his freckled cheeks as he fluttered his eyes closed to savour the moment. I rested my forehead against his and did the same.

As the song finishes, I slowly open my eyes and be locked onto Brook's glossy greens. These are my favourites eyes. They look almost blue but have a strong tinge of green to them. His irises are rimmed with a dark green whilst near the pupil it goes into a lighter shade of turquoise. I slowly leaned into him, and lightly place my lips into his.

They felt so soft and full. We had one of those kisses where it didn't get heated or rough, it was sweet and passionate. Full of all our love for each other. I push him slightly to the side and lift him up onto the counter, not breaking the kiss one bit as I stand in between his legs.

My hands rest against his soft outer thigh and his hands had moved to the back of my neck pulling slightly at small hairs of my head. I heard a knock on the front door but ignored it and continued making out with Brooklyn. There's was another knock and I sighed pulling away, "you should probably get that." I pout.

"Why me?"

"Your closer."

"Lazy ass." I mutter but he heard and started to chuckle. I huff an annoyed breath and move out of Brook's embrace and walk into the living room and to the front door. Looking through the small looking hole, I roll my eyes.

Opening the door, "what do you want?" I ask as I look in between Andy and Rye, our neighbours. "Well good morning to you too." Rye laughed. I gave them a blank look not giving them any shit. Andy sighed and rolled his eyes, "We were wandering if you guys wanted to hang out."

"Couldn't of you texted?" I asked annoyed, not really wanting to do anything today. "We did, you didn't answer."

"Well, you could of -"

"We would love to hang out, now sound alright?" Brooklyn interrupted me. I shoot my head towards him with a glare, "Brooks?!"

"Jack." We hold eye contact and after seeing his determination to invite them in I sigh in defeat. "Fine." I grumbled opening the door wider and walking back into the kitchen. "Sorry about him, you interrupted a moment." I heard Brook say behind me. Plopping myself up at the counter, I longingly look over to the spot we were before. Wishing I was there again with Brook, alone.

"Sorry guys." I look over to Andy who apologised. Brook waved them of and invited them to sit down. They moved next to me and smiled as Brooklyn took the plate of pancakes and placed them in front of us.

Sitting together we all ate, making small conversation. I watched Rye and Andy eat and an a suspicion popped into my head.

"You guys didn't have any food, didn't you?" They guiltily looked up at us and nodded.




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