RT + MC + JR ||Cabin in the woods

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|| Cabin in the woods || AU

Roadtrip x Mikey Cobban x John reevey

Nothing to do with the movie.

Info: pretend this was set years later and that Mikey doesn't know who Roadtrip are.

This may be shit, but I really wanted to do a Halloween special. So,

Enjoy 😉,


"I can't believe we're doing this." Mikey said in disbelief as he watched his group of friends set up blankets and sleeping bags in the main living room, in front of the fire place.

"Oh come on Mike, stop being such a party pooper." Morgan stated. Mikey shook his head.

Mikey Cobban, John Reevey, Morgan Perry, Vicky Cobban, JJ Hannon and Sophie karlsen are on a camping trip in a cabin in a forest. But Mikey wasn't worried about this trip because it was a random cabin in the woods, it was actually for the history behind it.

"Mikey, you're not scared are you?" Vicky teased her brother. Mikey avoided her mischievous eyes, "no." But he didn't sound so convinced. Mikey's sister laughed to herself, "really Mike, nothings gonna happen tonight."

Mikey although didn't believe her, he had a bad feeling, in the pit of his stomach. An arm wrapped around Mikey's shoulders, which in return made the pink haired boy jump. "Babe, stop worrying. If you're that scared I'll protect you." John spoke as he pulled Mikey into a hug.

"Just enjoy this time together, before we have to go back to reality." He said as they pulled away. Mikey smiled slightly and nodded, "ok."

"Ok" John repeated. They leaned in and kissed for a brief second, before there were gagging noises behind them. Laughter following after. Mikey rolled his eyes at his friend's childish behaviour. "You're all children!" And laughter fell into the room again.


Later after they got settled in, they all sat in a messy circle. JJ was sat cross legged on the sofa, covered with a blanket. Vicky was laying across the floor in front (left of JJ), Morgan in front of the small leather arm chair next to Vicky, Sophie was in front of the fire - getting all the heat, but no one minds she gets cold easily - , then Mikey and John we're laying together in the last space between Sophie and JJ.

"Let's tell scary stories!" Mikey internally groaned, he hated scary stories. He hated scary things in general but the detail that people put in there stories sends painful shivers down his spine. Everyone cheered except Mikey, which had been noticed by John. He shuffled closer to Mikey and grabbed onto his hand under the blanket for comfort. John knew of Mikey's fear.

Mikey squeezes slightly and gave a small smile to John. "Ok, as we are in the famous cabin. Why don't I tell everyone the history behind of the cabin in the woods." Everyone nodded and got comfortable as they trained their eyes on Vicky, who suggested the idea.

"Well, it all starts when..."


Six boys were on a camping trip, wanting to get away from filming covers and recording songs. But some weren't so happy...

"Brook come on!" Sonny shouted as he was trying to get Brook out of the van. Brooklyn wasn't fond of sleeping in strange places, so he didn't want to do this camping trip. Brook crossed his arms over his chest and turned away from the curly headed boy. Acting like a five year old.

Sonny groaned out into the sky and stormed off, "go get Brook, I can't deal with him anymore." Sonny gritted out, passing Jack. Jack walked over to the van and climbed up, sitting in the seat next to Brook. "What's going on B?" Jack asked softly. Jack may be a dominant on camera and off but when they're alone he's a lot more softer with him.

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