BRONNY || Three Days *1/3*

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|| Three Days||

I have never and will never ship bronny, this is a sad one.

And before you think of anything, I do like Sonny. He seems like a really good lad and amazing singer. I just don't ship Bronny as a proper ship ship. OG Jacklyn fan here.



It all started a few weeks ago...

Day one...

Brooklyn and Jack were walking down the streets of London, they had been shopping for new clothes all day and now they had decided to go to Nando's for a lunch break. They were happily chatting away about all the clothes that they bought, when Jack suddenly stopped.

He panicked and stepped in front of Brook, blocking the view of the horrible scene he saw in front of them. Brook had laughed at the sudden change in mood, and tried to push Jack away, "Jack, what are you doing?" He giggled. "please Brook, let's just go to Wagga's." Brook although was persistent and he had stepped to the side making Jack sigh looking to the floor. Brook started to walk to Nando's. "don't be silly we're He-"

But he did the same as Jack, he stood frozen still in the middle of the walkway staring at his boyfriend kissing a woman. Sonny was standing there, hands wrapped inside the girl's hair and lips against lips, he watched the two making out.

Brook didn't know how to feel, was he heartbroken? Angry? Sad? Maybe relieved? He didn't know, he just felt paralysed and numb. He watched the love of his life kiss another and he didn't know how to fucking feel. What were you supposed to feel in this type of situation?

Sonny and the girl broke apart and walked away, hand in hand. A single tear fell down Brook's cheek, but as soon as it reached the edge of his face he wiped it away and brought in a huge shaky breath. "Yeah let's go to Wagamama's." His voice was strained, like he was loosing his breath. He looked up in Jack's soft green eyes, hoping Jack can agree.

Jack stared down and tried to read Brook's eyes, he saw that the boy was broken but he knew he was trying to stay strong. He had soft eyes but he saw them brimming with tears. Jack slowly nodded and they walked away from Nando's and towards the other restaurant.


Sitting inside the cafe, they were waiting for their food to arrive. Brook was staring at the table, again his body was paralysed and his mind was blank. He sure as hell didn't know what to think, he loved Sonny and he thought the brunette did the same with Brook. But he now thought different. What if it was all a lie?

Jack placed a light hand on top of Brook's arm, getting the blonde's attention away from the table and his mind. "Brook, you ok?" Brook stared at Jack with the blankest look. Brooklyn was too scared to talk, so he shrugged, he was being honest through his actions.

"Will you talk to him?" Brook shrugged again, making Jack sigh. The younger boy knew Brooklyn well and he knew that his friend needed time to process everything. So he left it at that, he didn't want to pressure Brooklyn into anything he didn't want to say or do.

The waiter arrived with the food and they started to slowly eat. Brook ate a lot slower than usual and a lot less than usual. Jack could only just watch him with sympathy.


"You want to go home?" Jack asked. Brook looked up, "no." He whispered. He hadn't spoken since he saw his boyfriend with another and that was three hours ago. He didn't know what to say.

"Do you want to go to Harper's then?" Brook gave Jack a small nod and they packed up and headed towards Harper's apartment.


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